III: Gun

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Off's POV

          The first day at the bakery went great. I closed the store and went home. Tay wasn't home yet since he had a date with his hin so he will come home late. I took a shower and got ready for bed. I honestly can't stop thinking about the cute guy I met at the bakery earlier, like how can a guy be so cute! 'what the heck are you thinking Off! He has a boyfriend already, but I mean there's nothing wrong with liking someone who's already in a relationship right? Off let out a sigh feeling kind of frustrated as he can't get the cute guy out of his mind.

A/N Some of y'all might get confused. In the first chapter, Off thought that Neo was Gun's boyfriend since Neo was very clingy.

          *The next day* The cute guy visited the bakery again with his boyfriend and a friend, but they were earlier this time compared to the first time. After that, they've been coming to the bakery every day even at weekends. And of course, I've been always staring at the cute guy whenever I have a chance to do so but I'm kind of afraid that he might think I'm a creep and would stop visiting the bakery. I badly really want to get to know them but I'm too shy to approach them.

          One day I finally dared to approach them. I was about to exit the counter when the cute guy approached. "Hello Phi" he said which made me feel butterflies in my stomach. "Hello Nong, is there something I can help you with?"
"No, not really, I just want to say that your desserts are really good"
"Thank you Nong, I am very happy that you liked our desserts"
"Are you the owner?" he asked which he's actually pertaining to Tay who is beside me. "huh?" Tay replied with confusion. "I'm asking if you're the bakery owner" He said which made me and Tay laugh but we stopped when we noticed that the cute guy is pouting and looked uncomfortable. "Nong you mistook I'm not the owner but he is" Tay said while his finger pointing at me. The guy looked shocked by the statement "I'm sorry I thought you were just a cashier man since you're always here at the counter" He said and formed an awkward smile. "It's okay nong I mean you're not wrong. Besides being the owner, I'm also a cashier and also the one who bakes here since we don't have any employees" I replied reassuring him that it was alright. "Gun" he said making me confused "My name is Gun".

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