Prologue: The Beginning

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The underworld was quiet today. Not too many demons out and about, and little talk of the next evil deeds to be done. A blur of purple zoomed around the outside of her home, giggles being heard. 'There it is! She thought, 'The perfect spot!'. Hiding under a table with a long cloth, she held her tail close and curled in a ball, making herself as small as possible.
'Hehe, he'll never find me here, I just gotta stay real quiet'.

"Haha! Found you!" The familiar voice shouted, triumphantly smiling at his win. "You picked such a dumb hiding spot! The ONLY table outside? Come on Hanying, you can do better than that!" Helping the small demon up from under the table, the demon quickly dusted off his clothes, Hanying did the same. Before the small demon could say anything more, a deep voice cut him off.

"Hanying! Come inside! Now!" The tone of the voice was demanding, enough for Hanying to shiver in fear slightly before composing herself enough to respond. "Coming father! Let me say goodbye first!" She pleaded. "Make it quick" the voice responded annoyed. Hanying turned to look at her friend, apologeticly saying that she had to go. The other demon nodded and before he could say anything else, he felt arms wrapped around his body in a tight hug. It wasn't like the others though, this felt...different. He hugged back just as tight, not knowing why this felt so different from all the other times they've hugged. Hanying let go, sniffling the slightest bit before flying off inside her home. The door shut loudly, shaking the ground.

That was last time the princess of the Hao family was ever seen in the public eye of underground.

Several centuries later...

The sun shined brightly over the city, people up and bustling around the city, the start of another day.

Especially for one individual

"Hmmhmmhmm, oh. This must be it!"

A young woman stood in front of a small shop, the sign "Pigsy's Noodles" lit up letting her know she was in the right place. With a deep breath, the woman opened the door and stepped inside. It was peaceful sight. No one was in the shop but a black haired man with glasses sitting at the counter and the owner himself, Pigsy. Some humming could be heard in the back of the shop, 'Must be an employee' she thought.
"Welcome to Pigsy's noodles! Home of the world's longest noodles! How can I help you ma'am?" Startled, the woman stood silent for a second before recomposing herself. "Oh! Hello! Sorry, umm, I'm here for the interview at 12:00?" "Ah, of course! Hanying, right?". The woman nodded, "Yes! That's me!" She answered, beaming a hearty smile.

The pig-man smiles warmly, moving from behind the counter to sitting at one of the many tables in the shop. "Here, have a seat", gesturing to the seat across from him at a booth table. Hanying sits down and takes a breath, she can do this, it may be her first interview ever, but she knows she'll get the job. " So hanying, I'll try to make this as quick as possible for the both of us, so for my first question, what are your strengths?"
"My strengths? Hmm.." She pondered, seemingly deep in thought before answering, "I would say I'm hard working, punctual, and trustworthy! I always try to do things to the best of my ability and am willing to learn!". She smiled triumphantly, she aced that question, no doubt! " Huh, well we'll just have to see about all that, won't we? Heh, alright, second question. What are your weaknesses?"
Weaknesses? Hmm, oh, she could think of a few. "I'd say they're that I'm a bit clumsy, I can get stressed under a lot of pressure, and that I'm kind of non-confrontational, I don't like people being angry at me". Sweating nervously and fidgeting with her fingers, she looked away, ashamed. 'Wow, didn't need to say that last part Hanying, don't get the job from pity!'
Pigsy thought for a moment, then asked his last question, "Why do you think you would be good for this job?"

Hanying froze. Why WOULD she be good for this job? She's just getting this job to...
"Well, umm, I do like to cook, and I like making people happy. So uh, I just think that I could combine those two things into food service. Seeing the happy faces of people who get their food, or just have something good happen to them, it brings such a wonderful rush of happiness to me and uhm, I don't know, I just would like to try working in a place like this. Somewhere calm, and home-y, you know?" She smiles to herself, zoning out before quickly snapping out of it and scolding herself mentally. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I got kind of off track, I don't know if I answered that correctly and I-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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