Part 4

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Last time

Teacher: Good job

Now back to the story

Yui: Can I go next?

Teacher: Yes

Yui: What is a hero?

Katsuki: A hero is someone that helps and protect us but way do they help and protect us?

Yui: Maybe because if thare back sorry

Katsuki: Yes maybe they lost someone that made them want to help and protect us but it can also be how they were raised or what they always wanted to do but what is a villain?

Yui: A villain is someone that a hero couldn't save from misery but did they always want to be a villain no it was not a choice for a few villains some where forced to be a villain in someway or anther or they lost someone and wants revenge and killed the person that they thought killed that person and couldn't get enough of it or it could be something else like that and that is the end of my report thank you bro for helping me with this

Katsuki: Your welcome

Teacher: Good job and by the way students we are going to find out our second gender tomorrow

The class: Ok

The next day

Teacher: *Is wearing gloves and putting a piece of paper on each desk telling everyone not to touch it yet because it will change color as soon as they touch it and go in front of the class* ok students those pieces of paper will tell you your second gender by a color the color gold is for omegas, red is for alphas and blue is for Betas

The class: Cool!

Teacher: Ok please touch them now

The class: Ok

Katsuki: *Touches the piece of paper and it turns gold and sees his sister piece of paper turn red*

Yui: *Goes to bakugo* Kat i am a Alpha what are you

Katsuki: A omega

To be contnued

I hope you have a good day or afternoon or night bye

330 words

Immortal??Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя