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2 kids, whom never met, yet had a similar life. They were both raised to be normal, so normal normal was unique. They had to be normal. The only thing that wasn't normal was their names. Emrys and Ophelia. Their last names unique too, Snow-ell and Wellow. Ophelia's vibrant red hair dyed to a dark brown, her blue vibrant eyes changed using contacts to a brown. Emrys hazel gold eyes changed to brown as well. Both their freckles covered. They had to get a little dirty but not too dirty just average. They knew some languages like english and their other native tongue. Emrys knew greek as his second native tongue, Ophelia french. Though they were fold never to tell anyone. Anything odd was not allowed. They lived like this till they were 7. For a week they were actually normal. They could show their natural hair and eyes, playing with mud more often and speak their native tongue more. After they found out they were royals. A prince and a princess. They had to get used to popularity. Speaking more than two languages. Having posture, perfect mannerisms. They were taught liking their gender was wrong. This was how they were raised till 17.

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