Chapter one

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They were at a ball, Ophelia taking turns to talk to guys in hope of finding her love. Emrys in the corner keeping to himself. Ophelia finally decided to stop her search of finding someone she clicked with. As she rested in the outskirts of the room, she saw the most dangerously beautiful girl. Her black wavy hair glistening and bouncy with every movement. Her sharp charcoal eyes, perfectly arched eye brows. She was perfect in every sense of the word. Ophelia couldn't lift her gaze from this girl. She was the only thing in the room worth watching to Ophelia. She sparked something no man had ever. Butterflies took home in her stomach, her heart skipping beats. All this just by seeing a girl. Almost as if sensing Ophelia's gaze the girl looked up meeting her gaze. Ophelia's heart stopped right then and there. Everyone blurred around them even from across the room Ophelia was sure, the girl could hear her heart beat. God how much Ophelia wanted to faint right then and there beneath that gaze. Finally the girl looked away towards the person she was previously talking to.

         Emrys was keeping much to himself, not wanting to draw attention to him. As his eyes glazed over the crowd he found misty gray eyes meet his gaze. The beholder of those eyes was a tall, lean yet muscular enough to tell he works out guy. Black charcoal hair that fell in waves around his chiseled face. The hair parted somewhat in the middle. He looked like a demon disguised as an angel. Their gaze held for a moment too long for Emrys. He finally decided to look away as soon as possible. His emotions making him feel jittery, and hyper with adrenaline. He decided to look back up and when he did he noticed the guy walking and maneuvering his way through the crowd to get to him. Emrys heartbeat speed as he looked for places to go to in hopes of finding a place to hide to. He couldn't find anything. Finally a deep chocolaty voice spoke, "Hello." Emrys slowly looked up at the person in front of him. Emrys being 5'9 still had to look up at the 5'11 male.

"Hello...." Emrys was able to breathe out to the young male. 

"What might your name be?" The male said while walking to lean against the wall while facing the crowd next to Emrys.

 "Emrys, and yours?" Emrys responded. 

"Lucien, Emrys what a beautiful and unique name."Lucien voiced.

"Thank you...." Emrys was trying to think of ways to leave the situation at hand, 'Perhaps saying I need to leave very quickly will work?' He thought. 'No...thats too guessing'. As he kept thinking Lucien spoke once more, "Do you know the meaning?"

"No....tell me." Emrys said out of curiosity. He was always a sucker for information or knowledge. "It means immortal." Lucien responded. Emrys thought on that for a bit. Before asking "Do you know what your name means?" 

"No I don't think...what is its meaning?" Lucien asked

 Emrys turned to him before saying,"Light and Elegant. Do you think it is fitting?"

 Lucien chuckled, he knew far more than any one else how much that name did not fit. "No, I don't think it ever will." He chucked out. Emrys stared at the man. 'Was he always this beautiful? Is it handsome? I honestly don't know how you would describe it...But i do know is it's dangerous.' Emrys thought.

Authors notes/comments:

Hey! Edited this part a bit, im trying to make this better as I go. Anywho hope you have a nice day and like this story!

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