Thursday Flowers

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It came to be Thursday. A nice summer day. Right about noon. I'd hope hed show up. I texted him multiple times making sure he was going to show up. He did. He was there. On the same bench. On the same dock. In the same river.

I did. I was there. On the same bench. On the same dock. In the same river.

I looked at him and felt joy. Could this be a chance to a new friend? I was hoping he thought the same things as I did.

I said hi. He said hi. "Wanna go for a swim?" I asked sticking my feet in the river. "I'm in Jean's, you know how long these things take to dry?!?! Your on your own right now, perhaps next time?" He said leaning his arms over the railing to talk to me. I put my hair up and swam around listening to him talk.

It was so peaceful, just him and I. Well. Until tadpoles started swarming around me and nibbling on me. I started squirming in the water and it made him laugh the loudest I've ever heard him laugh. His smile was so genuine. I kept squirming around trying to get the tadpoles to buzz off. "Must think you taste good" he said with a tear in his eye. "Oh yeah? What of it?" I said, scoffed and got out of the water. "Great! Now I'm soaked!' I shout angrily shaking off the water. "That's what happens when you go in water" He says. Before he can move I glare at him and splash him with water. He flinches and kicks sand at me. I went back in the water and the tadpoles came right on back. This went on for almost two hours. Two wonderful hours.

Two hours was all we got to hang out though. Before we knew it, it was noon. Time to get my brother, time to say goodbye. Maybe see him next week? Yeah. Well do it again next week. Same time. It's a routine now.

We say goodbye, wave each other off, but this night was diffrent.

I get home with my brother and see a new text pop up on the screen of my phone. I check to see who it was, and it was him. I made my brother lunch and we started chit chatting, bout how much fun we had. How everything seemed unreal.

He said it was unreal because I'm "out of his league" but I never thought I was in all the time weve known each other. I thought I was the same, I was just in a wrong friend group. I'm a nerd, book nerd, music nerd. Hes a car nerd, plane nerd, video game nerd. I think it makes sense? Dont you. Maybe similar personalities do work together.

He was texting me, I was texting him, about how he flies planes and works at an airport. How many hours he has, what it's like flying that high in the sky. He says he loves it. He loves being in the clouds. It's his therapy, it's what makes him, him.

I've never met someone so interested in flying that they consider it therapy. But, just as any other hobby, hobbies make you feel better, so who am I to judge? I dont judge. Adds a lot to him and his personality.

We talked all through the night and talked about our lives and what they are like. It was so soothing, having someone there to listen and relate to you. For the second time in my life, I didnt feel alone. I dont think he felt alone anymore either.

I hope he never feels alone again.

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