Ch. 4 Settling in

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Chris cracked his knuckles and stretched, feeling glad that they had finished filming the introductions. He turns around and stares at the twenty-three campers. 

" Alright, people," Chris calls out, causing the twenty-three campers to stare at him. " First thing first," He looks at the twenty-three campers. " The Producers want us to do a group photo for promos, so all of you go to the end of the dock," He points at the dock. 

Melody lets go of Izzy. She then walks with her and Duncan to the end of the dock with the others. She looks at her surroundings and spots Trent standing between Owen and Gwen, and the two teens smile at each other. 

" Okay!" Chris jumps onto a boat with a camera in his grasp, and he turns to the twenty-three campers. 

" One," Chris held his first finger up. " Two," He held his second finger up. " Three," He takes a picture, and his black eyes blink when he realizes that he forgot to take off the lens. 

" Shoot! I forgot to take off the lens cap," Chris calls out, and he takes off the lens cap. 

Melody shivered when she felt the afternoon breeze since her clothes were still wet from falling onto the water earlier. 

" I hope these promo pictures don't take long. I am getting cold," Melody murmured. 

" Okay. Okay. Hold those poses," Chris looks at the twenty-three campers. 

" One," Chris begins to count. " Two-" He stops when he sees the camera telling him that the memory card was full. 

" Wait! Wait! The card is full," Chris looks at the camera, turning to his film crew. " Anyone has an unused memory card?" He asked. 

Leshawna annoyingly rolled her dark brown eyes. " Come on, man! My face is starting to freeze," She glares at Chris. 

" I am also freezing to death," Melody glares at Chris while hugging herself. 

One of the film crew members threw a memory card at Chris, who caught it. 

" Got it!" Chris widely smiled, and he inserted the memory card into the camera. 

" Okay, everyone! Say Wawanakwa!" Chris shouts. 

" Oh my god, it's an Avacado!" Melody shouted when everyone shouted Wawanakwa, causing the others to laugh, and Chris took the picture. 

Chris opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped when he heard something breaking, and his black eyes blinked when he saw the dock collapse and the twenty-three campers fall into the water. 

Chris amusingly watched the twenty-three campers struggle to swim or swim for their lives. Feeling amused, he took another picture of the cast, thinking this picture would look fantastic for his new show, Total Drama Island. 

' These kids look dramatic trying to get out of the water,' Chris internally speaks while snickering. 

Melody noticed Owen was struggling to swim, and he started to sink. She turns and swims towards him. She grabs the young male by the arm and uses most of her strength to swim and pull him to shore. 

" Gahhh! I almost died in the water," Owen exclaimed while panting for air. " Thanks for saving me!" He brightly smiled while looking at Melody. 

" No need to thank me. I'm glad you are okay," Melody lightly pats Owen's back, and she gets out of the water. " Good thing I didn't change," She looks down at her wet clothes. 

" Hey, Melody. You okay?" Duncan asked while approaching his sister. 

" I'm okay. Are you okay?" Melody asked. 

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