Ch. 7 The First Challenge Part 1

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An hour later, the twenty-three campers finished eating breakfast, went to their Cabins, and got dressed in their swimwear. They then headed to the top of a cliff since a Producer told them to go there. To their surprise, they see Chris and a film crew staring at them near the ledge.

" Hello, everyone! How was breakfast?" Chris asked while looking at the twenty-three campers.

" Is this a sight-seeing contest?" DJ asked, looking nervous.

" I am beat! I walked so much getting up here." Owen panted.

" That's because you're fa-" Harold gets cut off by Noah elbowing him.

" I think I lost my breakfast getting up here," Owen murmured.

" The scenery of this place is a beaut'." Melody whistled, unknowingly speaking in an Australian accent.

" Why are we on top of a cliff?" Gwen asked.

Chris widely grinned, causing some campers to shiver. He turns to the camera. " Today, we are starting our first official challenge!" He exclaimed, causing all the campers to look at one another.

" Today's challenge, the campers must jump off the one thousand-foot high cliff into a safe zone in the lake, represented by a small ring of buoys." Chris motioned to the safe zone.

" For every camper that completes the challenge, their team will receive a point. After every contestant has a chance to jump, the points get tallied, with the winning team earning an advantage in the following part of the second part of the challenge: building a hot tub." Chris motioned to a replica of a hot tub with all the materials surrounding it.

" The team with the best hot tub gets to have a hot tub party that night, while the losing team must vote a camper off for the first time." Chris finished explaining.

" A hot tub party. That sounds amazing~" Melody winks at Bridgette, causing the other female to smile.

" This challenge seems fairly straightforward," Bridgette speaks.

Chris mischievously stares at his campers. " To spice things up, the rest of the lake is loaded with rare, freshwater, man-eating sharks!" He motioned to several sharks swimming in the lake.

" How is that even possible? Sharks are saltwater." DJ looks at the sharks worryingly.

" That's why I said rare, freshwater, man-eating sharks." Chris specify.

" Ah! So, these sharks are related to the saltwater sharks." Izzy beamed.

" Yeah." Chris shrugged. " Okay!" He changes his attitude and looks at the camera mischievously. " The Killer Bass is first." He informs the audience.

Melody looks at Duncan. " Our team's first. Should we go first or let the others go ahead of us?" She asked her older twin.

" We should have the others go first. That way, we know what to expect." Duncan responded.

Melody nodded. " Good idea. I wonder who in our team wants to go first." She glanced at her teammates.

The Killer Bass consists of Bridgette, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, Katie, Melody, Sadie, and Tyler.

Chris turns his gaze to the Killer Bass. " Alright. Which one of you is going first?" He asked.

Bridgette looked at her teammates and then at Chris. " I'll go first." She steps forward.

" Wooh! You got this, Brigette!" Melody whistled and cheered.

" I think a boy should go first. We wouldn't want the girls getting hurt and start crying." Ezekiel speaks, causing all the girls from both teams to stare at him.

All the boys stared at Ezekiel with slight pity since they could sense a dangerous aura radiating off the girls.

" Who does he think he is?" Heather scoffed.

" What an asshole." Gwen glares.

" I don't care if he's my teammate. I need to show him a lesson." Eva scowled while cracking her knuckles.

" My Dad says girls shouldn't be doing dangerous stuff because they can get hurt. And we cannot risk them hurting because we need them to have children." Ezekiel commented.

All the girls' eyes dimmed when they heard what Ezekiel said.

" This kid is an idiot," Duncan muttered.

" Even I know what not to say when around the girls," Harold muttered.

" All of this is getting filmed and on live television. So, I just know Ezekiel pissed off the whole female population." Noah muttered.

Chris glanced at his Producers, seeing them talking on the phone and looking furious. He figured they were speaking to someone from the public, and the person didn't like Ezekiel's comment.

" The kid needs to get disqualified. We need a replacement quickly, or our views will drop." One of the Producers spoke to Chris via earpiece.

Melody opens her mouth to say something, but she gets cut off by Chris.

" We have some technical difficulties, so we shall return momentarily. Commercial break in 3..2..1!" Chris shouts, and the cameras stop rolling.

" Okay, kid." Chris' demeanor changes, which all the campers notice. " What you said pissed so many people off, and because of that, we have to disqualify you." He looks at Ezekiel.

Ezekiel opened his mouth to say something, but Chris cut him off.

" Hatchet. You know what to do." Chris pressed his finger to his right earpiece.

The twenty-three campers' eyes blinked when they heard a helicopter engine. They turned to see Chef Hatchet steering a helicopter in their direction. An employee throws a rope with a hook to Chris, who caught it.

Chris approached Ezekiel and put the hook in the boys' swim shorts. He tugged on the rope, and everyone watched the homeschooled kid get lifted off the ground.

" I didn't even say anything bad! This is unfair!" Ezekiel shouts.

Melody annoyingly rolled her grey eyes. " Good riddance." She muttered while watching Ezekiel fly away.

" What's going to happen now?" Katie asked while looking at Sadie.

" Are we still going to do the challenge?" Lindsay asked.

" Then again, both teams are now even. Eleven and Eleven." Beth commented.

Melody turned and watched Chris speaking to the Producers. She noticed that they all looked stern while looking at a tablet.

Melody shivered when she felt the morning air hit her. She hugged herself since she was only wearing a two-piece bikini and sandals.

" Here, wear this." A masculine voice speaks, grabbing Melody's attention. She turns to see Justin holding a jacket to her. " Thanks." She softly smiled and accepted the coat, putting it over her shoulders.

" Can we go back to our Cabins?" Owen asked.

" I like this one." Chris motioned to something on the tablet. " He reminds me of me from my younger days." He grinned.

All the Producers looked at each other and nodded. They spoke to someone through an earpiece and informed Chris that the new camper should be arriving in an hour.

" Great!" Chris nodded. He turns around and stares at the twenty-two campers. " Okay, everyone! Follow me to the docks. There is someone I want you all to meet." He smiled.

Melody raised an eyebrow and looked at Duncan. " I wonder who Chris wants us to meet?" She asked, looking curious.

" Maybe he found someone to replace Ezekiel." Duncan shrugged.

" He found someone that fast?" Heather scoffed, looking in disbelief.

" He's Chris McClean. He probably has so many connections." Beth looked at Chris in admiration.

Melody puts her hands in Justin's jacket pocket and begins to walk with Duncan and the others down the cliff, looking curious to meet the newest camper.

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