Pardon Me

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Pardon me Adonai, for I never knew forgiveness
For in private, you are my witness
I want for nothing but the beginning
Praying in my heart I could do different

Pardon me Adonai, I committed wrath upon my brother
I sullied his path of destruction
Manipulative as I am, made him believe it was of his own construction

Pardon me Adonai, you heard my remarks and that ignorance was blasphemy
The world welcomed me laughingly
In the midst of Pharisees and Sadducees

Pardon me Adonai, those strongholds are as they named
The shame lies in the endorse of them for gain
Rain will not wash this vessel of yours I stain

Pardon me Adonai, for my eyes are scaly
Although you show me daily, have I taken heed, rarely. Now am I merry, to take a loving to the wisdom you are sharing 

Pardon me Adonai, never should I have opened the door of your church
To the things that roam this Earth and search
For the things they may devour
Never made a coward but I was susceptible to wiles
Which made me a fool who was defiled

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