Chapter Two (Un-edited)

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    She bound up as she regained consciousness and was able to see the world around her. The air was cooler, but it still wasn't sunset. She felt her talons along two boulders that she lay upon. She saw a colony of ants running to and from a crack in the large rock. She hadn't been over here before. She sat up and looked around for the strange HiveWing guard. She couldn't see him in front of her. She could see the hives in the distance, along with many dragons flying about. It felt so close however, not close enough to hear their buzzing.
Beetle turned her head, to gaze at her surroundings. There he was— the guard. She noticed he was harboring something with his claws. He gently raised one of his talons, revealing some deep scarlet. His talons were stained. —That wasn't the colors of his scales—. It was blood.
    She felt as if she were going to pass out again. She didn't though, she kept strong. What could he have done to have blood all over his talons? Is he a murderer? Her tail flicked at the mention. How could a HiveWing be so cruel as to murder someone? She knew Wasp wasn't the nicest, but she certainly would murder anybody! Could this dragon be any different?
His tangerine and lemon scales sparkled and shimmered in the sunlight. The way the water from a few puddles and the ocean reflected onto his scales... The dragon was undoubtedly handsome. Possibly one of the most pretty dragons Beetle has ever seen. But why was she only just now realizing it? She'd glance at him while they all were falling, and even after that. How had she not seen him like this before? Oh no... could she be in love with him? No, NO. That is NOT what I'd happening. She could NOT love a murderer.
    Yet, she was still curious as to what he was doing. But before she could question him, he whipped his head to look at her with a crazed look. Wait, there was something more than that. He had glimmers of white in his eye. Much like Wasp's hive mind. —So maybe Wasp made him kill somebody. No, she couldn't do such a thing.
    By the time Beetle noticed him returning back to his work, she saw that he was harboring the other guard's body. She got sick again.
The handsome orange dragon found her gaze, and ushered her towards him. "Come here, I have to show you something." His voice sounded deep, and raspy.
What could you possibly have to show me? All your murder techniques? You... murderer! She almost felt the need to shout it, but her stomach twisted and made her even more sick by gruesome thoughts. Yet, she strode to his side, and as she expected, the black and crimson HiveWing was dead. Despite him obviously not breathing, surrounded by a pool of his own blood, and his head being carved to open in unnatural ways, Beetle felt the need to ask.
"Yes, he's dead. I'm sorry you have to see this, but I swear you're going to want to listen," he started, but the young dragonet cut him off.
"You're a murderer!" She prodded. "You sliced his head in half! How could you! You didn't even help him!" She stopped abruptly, noticing her voice sounded nothing like it should, and it was deep and rough. She coughed to clear her throat, making her voice feminine once again. "Sorry," she apologized. The other dragon walked up to her, menacingly. "I had to kill him, but that doesn't make me a murderer." he hissed. "He nearly died on impact, I had to keep him from being in pain any longer." He slithered away, leaving the dragon's body to rot. He beat his wings to fly away. Beetle watched as his tail twitched as he flew away.
    She turned back to see the dead body. She noticed the dragon was decapitated and there was a scarf floating in the small pond. She examined the crime scene, it seemed as if he was filtering out the water to give to the dragon. How curious. She felt she was going to faint again.
    She staggered away from the body, lightheaded. More buzzes were heard far away. She walked past a few trees before finally accepting that the other dragon had passed on. She noticed how warm the sun was, it made her scales feel incredible. She closed her eyes to take in the warmth, trying to forget about what had just happened. She opened her eyes and she saw something odd floating in the distance towards the continent. Two dragons. She decided to watch them for a moment. She didn't know what kind of dragons they were. They had the colors of a SilkWing but they were a bit fluffy.
    She watched as they entered the cavern nearby. She buzzed her way over to them.

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