Chapter 4

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Summary- A jaded completely fed-up Harry finds himself fully embracing his death, even if it did come from a place he would never expect; at least before the death of Voldemort he wouldn't have. However, since Harry had defeated the Dark Lord in question, he found out several facts that left his heart shattered into nothing but dust and ready for the so-called great next adventure Dumbledore had always been about. However, embracing this death didn't end as he expect as he wasn't final with those who were his real family, with those who honestly cared about him. Instead, it somehow ends with Harry have what was supposed to be a fresh start in the Pokémon world. But how will the Pokémon deal with a rather World-weary Harry Potter and how will Harry deal with the new world he finds himself in? This is a Harry Potter/ Pokémon crossover.

Disclaimer- I do not own or make any money off of either Pokemon or Harry Potter.

Chapter Four

Harry was rather stunned with how the last couple of hours had just gone. He had honestly not expected things go as weird as they had as quickly as it had. As he had honestly thought he was one of the only ones with that kind of luck.

But Ash seemed bond and determined to prove him wrong. And he had managed to do it, at least partially, without even trying in a rather hilarious way at that. As it had all started out like this.

Just hours earlier

Harry had arrived earlier than all the other trainers to get his starters from Professor Oak's lab. Mostly because of how close he had been to it, as well as the fact he knew all the fastest ways towards said lab. If only because he did work there when he wasn't spending most of his time in the forest around his new home.

Well, that and he was eager to get started on his journey so he could finally prevent anyone else from capturing his Pokemon family. Which so far luck had been on his side to prevent from happening, even if it was only helping said Pokemon from avoiding being seen by others more than anything else.

Or if not that, others around him knew that the Pokemon was his in the first place, even if it hadn't been captured yet, like Hedwig. Who violently taught anyone who thought otherwise the truth. She honestly hadn't changed all that much even with her past death and transformation into a Pokemon. Still extremely protective, territorial, and motherly over those she deemed her's and Harry most certainly was hers.

But at the same time even as he arrived first, Harry knew he wouldn't be one of the first one leaving; at least fully leaving the town that is. That and he knew that he would be in for more of a surprise when it came to just what his first official starter was going to be.

Mostly because he had already agreed to let the others have a traditional starters, while he got something else. Something he agreed with seeing as he already really had several Pokemon to call his own, even if he hadn't actually captured them yet. And because of this felt it would be fairer to let the other choose the ones they wanted among the starters first.

As those were usually what trainers wanted to start off with to begin with as they all usually ended up being power houses in the own ways. Besides when he sat down and thought about it, Harry realized he wanted to have something a bit different from all the other trainers anyway.

Not only that but over the last couple of months he had helped Professor Oak with the three starters he was handing out today and while he got along with them, he didn't really feel a connection with them and knew the starters in question felt the same way. At least not the same connection he had with the pokemon he had started to call his own.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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