"Your Heart Belongs To Me"

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Kira lived a normal child hood. No pain, fear or strife. Her story doesn't start its twisted in grave danger, till her 15th birthday, but before that we have a few events to cover first, when she met her first girlfriend she was 13, Amanda was a very pretty girl, Kira of course being the romantic she was went up to her and asked her out. On their many dates, Kira had made a heart necklace by hand for Amanda's birthday. To only find her kissing someone from the soccer team. Heart broken she fled her best friend Lily followed her. About 3 years later she went on a date with her second girlfriend, Sarah they dated until Kira's 18th birthday when Sarah called her and dumped her over the phone, clearly in the middle of sex with someone else. Once again Lily was by Kira's side. Only 2 more years past, before Lily on her own had asked Kira out. Kira remembered how Lily had picked up her shattered heart in the past, how she had been her shoulder to cry on so she accepted. They dated for 5 and a half years. Lily had even encouraged her to go after her dream job; as a haunted house actress using her own character, "the broken heart killer deathly heart". On her 25th birthday she went home early to celebrate her birthday, it was 3 am. She usually got off of work at 5 am The "HORRIFIC NIGHTS" haunted house was always open from midnight to 7 am. She pulled into the driveway of her and Lilly's apartment building. The lights were on, which was odd considering Lily had to get up at 6 am for work. And Lily never left the lights on when she slept. Kira walked up stairs getting a sickeningly familiar feeling and praying she was wrong. She opened the door to find something worse than what she feared. Lilly was having sex with her first girlfriend, Amanda. Lily jumped up trying to explain, but Kira heard nothing. Something inside her snapped, her mind rolled twisted and stretched. Her heart crumbled and shattered, but this time no one could even find the pieces to fix it. Her eyes be came full and lifeless her face twisting into one of disgust. Lily always being more aware of certain things than others could tell this wasn't Kira, at least not the Kira she knew. "Where's Kira?" She asked the woman before her. "Your betrayal killed me emotionally. The Kira you knew, is dead. But your heart still belongs to me" the woman said "yes! Of course it does and it always will!" Lily quickly agreed not sending the danger. In one swift motion the unhinged Kira sliced open Lily's chest with the scythe she had used for work so many times using her left hand, and plunged her right hand into Lilly's bleeding chest Lilly's breast cage cutting Kira's hands as she grabbed Lilly's heart and used her boot to push Lilly's body back ripping out her heart. Lilly couldn't move, she was stunned as her brain tried to fathom what was going on as blood poured out of the hole where her heart used to be. Lilly's last thought were ones if regret, but it was too late for Lily to make amends. Amanda stared at the scene in horror as she heard herself scream in terror before noticing the woman staring at her before putting the heart in her hand in a Mason jar and looking back at her. "Your heart belongs to me too." Amanda bolted for the door desperately trying to escape the unhinged woman, but she wasn't fast enough. Years of practice running with the heavy scythe made Kira very agile and fast. She caught Amanda by her throat with a close line that immediately floored Amanda, her head bouncing hard on the linoleum below. Before Amanda could even blink just once, her heart as well was ripped out and put in a mason jar. The 2 jars were affixed to a chain Kira wrapped around her waist as a belt. Before writing on the wall in blood "their hearts belong to me now."

So dear reader, 

learn from Amanda and Lily's fatal mistake, love is not a joke. When you give your heart to someone make sure you truly intend to spend many nights with the person for if you steal it back by being unfaithful, deathly heart will find you and she will take your heart and give it back to the person you stole it from. But fear not she isn't unreasonable, if you had a mutual parting of the ways you are safe. Or if you were cruel in your youth and have since learned from your mistakes she will leave you with a scar as a reminder love is NOT a game.

Kira takes love VERY Seriously...after all....she is the heart broken killer deathly heart

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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