"most guys."

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"most guys."

this is a poem about love
and all of the above

you can make sense of things

but if you leave the equation up to me?

ill twist and turn it dramatically
who am i kidding
when i'm next to you
i feel like i can do anything

the way you are
is the way i wish to be
and in some ways
you see the same in me

that's exactly why
you aren't most guys

you're absolutely amazing
you remind me of a feeling
and healing
inhale and exhale as you debrief

speaking of love
and all of the above

with girls that see nothing
and I just see one thing
i don't want anything from you
i just want to understand you
and how beautiful your mind can be

if you ever find this poem
you'll know exactly where i'm coming from
my poetry, my words, my rhymes

they're my life
and he's supposed to be mine?
but he doesn't even read
neither do you
but fuck at least you try

you care
and i really love that about you

but i can't fall in love with you
that would be ruthless
you'd never reciprocate
and i'd lose everything we all made

but when i'm in your room
or your car
wherever we are
it reminds me of how i felt
when i knew him

all the things he taught me
about real love

so simple
no rush

i'm loving, but who could love me?Where stories live. Discover now