Story/Oneshot 10

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hi again so this is a bit sweet bc I need to write this and bc I feel like this is good example of why my parents should believe chauncey is actually cool and not stupid and I wanna squish his face. -Suki:}


I'm Here, And Not In Your Nightmares

Y/N's POV:
1:02 A.M, Sunday, 1987
Chauncey's chest heaved up and down as he tired to relax from a nightmare. I wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. His voice sounded shaky and sounded like he was gonna start crying again. I'd never Chauncey cry like this before, it was on a very weird start.

"I'm so so sorry love, for waking you up. I really didn't mean it." Chauncey's voice cracked up and he could barley speak. Nightmares were a bit common around him and since he really didn't understand them in any way, it just looked impossible.

Bringing Chauncey closer and closer, until his head reached my chest, he sobbed into my shirt and soaked it in his tears. He choked a bit due to his crying, trying to swallow down a cry. "It's not your fault." I say, I push some strand of hair behind his ear and continue to stroke his red hair.

Chauncey quiets down and the only thing heard is his small sniffles here and there. He slowly pulls away, I move some of his hair that was in front of his face and shove it to the side. Chauncey was swiping away the tears from his red, puffy eyes. He gasps from the lack of air he had.

I turn off the light next to me and Chauncey gently lays his back up against the soft surface beneath him, still getting rid of tears from his eyes. I sit next to him, sitting on my heels then flopping down to my bottom. Chauncey pressed his forehead against my thigh and processed to push his head onto my lap without me knowing.

"If you wanna rest your head onto my lap, you can do so." I say quietly, Chauncey moves his head onto my lap and traces small hearts onto my knee with the tip of his finger. He closes his eyes for a couple seconds then turns his body to face me. Chauncey looks up at me then proceeds to lift his hand up to meet my cheek.

"I love you." He says, a tear falls from his eyes again and falls onto my pajama pants. I place my hand over his and caress his hand with my thumb gently. "I love you too, but you need to fall asleep since you need to wake up early tomorrow." I insist, Chauncey shrugs and doesn't move but continues to trace hearts into my knee.

I sigh and continue petting his head, Chauncey's cries of terror went away which is actually good. As long as Chauncey got enough sleep for the next day, it won't bother me as much. In just a few minutes I don't feel his fingertip on my knee anymore, his hand just rests onto it.

Chauncey wasn't the one to snore sometimes but this time it meant he was deep asleep. His snores were soft and not too loud. Since he fell asleep on my lap, it'll be a struggle to try and push him to his side without waking him up, of course that'll take as much strength to do so.

Chauncey moved his head at some points, but he didn't take his head off my lap fully. I grab the silk sheets and drape it over Chauncey's body. He grabs the end of it continues to pull it over his shoulders for more warmth. His hand moves to the back of my waist as he pushes me closer.

Chauncey wasn't easy to be able to make him sleep so quickly, it took time since he normally thinks at night the most. It's like pacifying someone to sleep but with a few more struggles. Chauncey mumbles something but it wasn't clear enough, and incorrect sentences got formed out of the oblivion and into my ears.

My eyes got droopy but I didn't even mind it, technically I wake up late anyways so it's not a big deal to make. Sometimes Chauncey did, since he didn't like it that both of us were just heavy thinkers, it's like pushing yourself to the edge just to fail your streak of really anything. And sleeping was definitely one of them.

I threw my head back up against the headboard and just stayed like that for a little while. It wouldn't hurt, right? Closing my eyes that felt heavy enough that it'll break for so much stuff it's carrying. A bit of shuffling noises could be heard but it didn't attract my attention at any point.

Not the feeling of Chauncey tugging at my arm and trying to pull me closer to him. I open my eyes to him just to see what he needed. "Uh can I sleep on top of you, please." His pleas landed him in a situation he actually enjoyed. "Yeah, of course you can." I say softly, trying not to startle him or sounded to loud.

He moves himself so his head was resting on my neck and mostly on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him and snuggle Chauncey close to me. His breathing softened a bit as he was talking to himself that he was safe. "Thank you Y/N." He whispers. "Your welcome." I say, he looks up at me and stares for a while.

"Wanna know what I love about you the most, sweetheart?" He asks tiredly, I shake my head waiting for his answer. "It's just your smile. I just love seeing you smile, it makes me so happy." Chauncey replies, just that made me feel a growth of butterflies in my stomach and smile on my face.

He gets a bit closer so our faces are almost touching. Chauncey strokes my cheek and leans in for a chaste kiss. I cup his face and tilt my head a bit for him to lean in more. Playing with the ends of his hair and twirling it on my index finger, Chauncey pulls away slowly.

"I love you with my entire heart."
"I love you too Chauncey." Pressing my forehead against his in a loving way.


hi sorry for not getting a chapter out yesterday, a bunch of things was holding me up but here I am now and I'm making a second version to this meaning that the second version will be released rather quickly since I'm just changing the words a bit and the POV and that's it so thank you. -Suki:}

(1129 words)

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