Story/Oneshot 18

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look bro I was thinking and a lot of thinking of maybe sick days for chauncey as if this wasn't the first thing I thought about since I woke up. -Suki:}


TITLE: Fever Rush

Chauncey's POV:
4:23 P.M, Monday, 1983
It's strange that it's only October and I'm already contracting a fever so soon. Y/N isn't home yet which was the good thing since I haven't told her about my fever. I know that they would freak out about it and stay home to care for me.

I groan and let tiredness take my body numb. Not only was being sick a very tiring thing, I was basically coughing roughly every time. My voice got a bit hoarse from it, and had to repeatedly get water every time it happened. I didn't wanna make it such a big deal anyways.

I squirm trying to find a comfortable position that I wouldn't be moving in thousands of positions. Since trying not to move around a lot was a task, a hard one. I glided my body towards the middle of the bed. I could feel beads of sweat trickling down the side of my forehead, my body felt weak and I felt very dehydrated.

I can't let Y/N find me like this.

I throw the blankets off my now hot body and jumping of the bed like rabbits when they jump out their rabbit holes. I felt like a storm raging inside me to just close my eyes, my hair sticking to my forehead. "Damn it," Since I was rushed when I jumped, I felt dizzy and fell against the wooden door.

I grip the doorknob with my sweaty hands and let my wobbly legs keep me up from falling. When I was close to falling on the stairs, I gripped my the bar, which was also a bit worse due to my sweaty hands holding something so durable. My muscles felt tight for some odd reason, I could barely keep my eyes open.

By the time I reached the counter, I let myself collapse. But in reality I was here for water, since that's what fevers do to people. It keeps them dehydrated. I wobbled a bit, lifting myself up with the ends of the counter, I reached for the cabinet knob and twisted it. Letting my eyes set for glasses of all types.

I settled myself for my one of the lower halves of it, just so I didn't reach so high up. My stiff hands grab the dry glass and close the cabinet door. I turned to my left and sneezed away from my hands. I switch the cup to my right hand and shifted my body towards the sink.

In reality, it felt like I was going to vomit which in case might happened, water would probably settle my ache. Technically the ache all over my body. I grip the small handle the released filtered water, my shaky hands holding the cup as if it was an egg on a spoon.

Just don't worry.

I was able to get enough water for myself, that's when the front door opened. My pupils blown wide, I straightened my posture a bit so it didn't look so sloppy. And now, I just realized I don't have my glasses on so great. I pushed some of my hair away that wasn't awfully sticking to my forehead.

"It's good to see you up since you've been sleeping since yesterday evening." They say, Y/N walks over to me and pulls my warm body into an embrace. Their cold touch sends shivers down my spine. They still haven't realized the way that I was over-heating and just sweating a particularly heavy amount.

Y/N looks up at me, just enough so I could see the unsure look on their face. "Are you alright? You're sweating, a lot." They look at me with concern filled eyes, Y/N raises their hand up to ruffle my hair. I had the urge to sneeze but I blocked it away. "I'm fine." I finally answer. Still partially sweating and in desperate need of balance.

"You really don't look fine." Y/N replies, their hand takes place right in mine, Y/N starts to walk slowly towards the stairs and up to our shared room. "But I told you I'm fin-" They cut me off as Y/N places their cold hand onto my furnace feeling forehead. "I'm not stupid, Chauncey." They say.

I frown and let Y/N take care of my situation. They open the door and immediately pushed me out onto the bed with a poof. Y/N shuts the door with a slam. "Why haven't you told me that you were sick? I could've helped you." "Well I didn't wanna take your time away from your trips and besides it's not like I had a struggle for everything."

Y/N stares at me with half lidded eyes. "I'm pretty sure you did." I groan to myself in annoyance. Y/N shoves me back with their pointer finger and gets up. "Where are you going?" I ask, grabbing their hand before they could run off. "Stay. Please?" I ask again, Y/N turns their gaze towards the door and back at me.

"Okay but we're making a deal this time."

Y/N's POV:
4:52 P.M, Monday, 1983
"And what's that deal of yours?" Chauncey asks, his voice a bit hoarse. "I'll let you sleep on top of me until your fever is gone. Deal?" "Deal." Chauncey shifts until I'm in a comfortable position, he gazes somewhere else until he looks back at me. I pat my chest and Chauncey immediately obliges. Since he just loved being able to sleep on top of me so I couldn't get free of his grasp.

I pet his head and ruffle my hands through his clammy, wet hair. There was no light expect the light coming from the windows and sun. Chauncey sighs calmly and closes his eyes. He was probably desperate for sleep and he couldn't get it. I thought to myself, I let one of my hands slide down to his back and rub small circles.

"Thank you for this, I love you." It was muffled from Chauncey face being pressed into my collarbone. "Your welcome, and I love you too."

so uh like opinions, what's ur fav oneshot from between 1-18 ? kinda curious. -Suki:}

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