Chapter 2- Peter pan!?

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You shifted uncomfortably as you felt someone's hand touch your face.

"Y/n~ I know your awake~" Said a soft voice, so close to your face that you could feel their hot breath on your cheek.

As you slowly opened your eyes you were met with someone else's gaze.
As your mind started to wake up more your first instinct was to run.

"AHh!" You screamed as you fell off of your window seat and onto the floor.

"Are you okay Y/n..?"

"W-who are you! And how do you know my name!" You stammered as you crawled backwards.

"You really don't know? I'm Peter pan!, you wanted to go to neverland right?"The boy said brightly as he got closer.

Was this a joke? Cause if it was it certainly wasn't funny.

"Peter pan...? You expect me to believe that?" You said as you sat on the floor.

"Well it's your choice whether you believe me or not so I don't mind~" The boy said with a teasing grin as he walked towards you.

"What are you doing..."

"Here" The boy said as he held out his hand for you to grab.

"Uh....alright..." You said slowly as you reached for the boys hand.

Once your hands made contact a weird feeling rose in your stomach.

"Thanks..."You said awkwardly as you tried to let go of his hand.

"We can chat later Y/n but first we have to go to neverland" The supposedly "peter pan' said as he led you to the window.

Is he crazy or something???
Was he trying to commit a double suicide with you??
You wanted freedom not death!

"Are you crazy! We're gonna fall!" You said as you tried to push the boy off of you.

"We won't I promise" The boy said as he stepped onto the window ledge before calling someone.

"Tink I'm gonna leave you here if you don't hurry up!" The boy said as he waited for a response.

A few seconds after the boy had stopped speaking a yellow glow started to move towards you.
As the light got closer the jingling sound also moved closer.

"What is-" You were cut off immediately as the light started pulling at your hair.

"What..?" You said with wonder as you looked closer at the light.
It was a girl.
She had shining blonde hair along with 2 shiny silk-like wings on her back.

I can't believe I'm really going to say this but...

"I-is that a fairy..?"You said as you looked at Peters proud grin.

"Yep! that's Tinkerbell"

Completely unbothered by the fact that the fairy  was pulling your hair you held out your hands for her to land on.
The fairy gave you a confused look before slowly flying down into your palm.

"Well do you believe me now Y/n~?"  The boy said as he again grabbed your wrist.

Peter would have to wait until later cause right now you weren't interested.

"Your very beautiful Tinkerbell" You said as you admired her.

After a few moments a jingling sound started again causing you to give Peter a confused glance.

"Uh...Whats that noise...?" You said as you looked at Peter for answers.

"Oh that's just how she sounds when she speaks only I can understand her though-"

"Whats she saying?" You cut Peter off as a genuine smile started to form on your face.

"She said that she thinks you look fine yourself" The boy said as he  glanced at her.

"Tink stop showing off! I came here to bring Y/n to neverland with us" Peter said as he picked you up bridal style.

"Hey you can't just touch someone without their concent!" You said as you struggled to release from his grip.

"Oh and Aiden can?" The boy mumbled barely hearable.

"What?" You said as you stopped your struggling and looked at him.

"It's nothing, it's not a problem anymore...Anyways let's go!" The boy said as his grip around you tightened.

"Wait but I never agreed to this!" You protested.

You had said things would be better in neverland but now that the opportunity actually came you didn't want to commit.

"Hold on tight" He said as he ignored your Protests and began to raise off the ground.

Genuine shock covered your face as your nerves rose.

"Peter..can you put me down...I don't want to go to neverland anymore so please don't-"

As if on que you heard someone use the spare key to your room to open the door.

"Miss Y/n I'm sorry to bother you but-"

At this point Peter had already flown out the window and was hiding on the roof.

"Miss Y/n where are you..? Your parents said that- ---Lady Y/n's not in her room?!"

"But the door was locked she has to be in here!"  Another maid said before they turned to your open window.

"Wait you don't think..."

"Miss Y/ns been kidnapped!" The maid screamed.

"Whats the problem here?!" Your father said as he walked into your room.

"Miss Y/n's been kidnapped!"

"WHAT!?" Your father yelled as he ran towards the window only to notice footprints.

"Call for the Peelers/police IMMEDIATELY!" Your father snapped as you and Peter listened in.

"Pfft" a laugh escaped you lips before peter covered your mouth with his hands.

"Shh" He said as he quietly flew in the opposite direction of your house.

As you clung on to Peters neck you could feel both relief and guilt inside of you.
Leaving would in some way ensure your freedom but what about Aiden? He didn't want to live that way either.

"Peter!---- can I bring a friend!" You said shakily as you closed your eyes to avoid looking down.

"No" Peter relied firmly as he continued to fly.

"What..? Why-"

"I said no!" The boy said as a thick silence built between you.

Why was he so against you bringing a friend? Its not like Aiden was a bad person or anything.
And you couldn't just abandon him!

Suddenly Peters speed increased as he held you closer to his chest.

"Hold on tight Y/n!" He laughed as you shut your eyes tightly.

Neverland?  Peter pan x readerWhere stories live. Discover now