yeah, i played dumb but i always knew

348 21 1

c h a p t e r 2

Lovie knocked on the front door of the Gilbert residence and stood waiting for someone to come open it. Not even a minute later Elena opened the door.

"Lovie, Hi"

The oldest Gilbert greeted her brother's girlfriend with a hug and a strained smile that was returned with tight arms and genuine smile.

"Lena. How's today been?" Lovie asked as the two pulled back from the hug causing Elena to sigh and close her eyes to think before she responded truthfully. She never could find it in her to tie to the younger girl. That was like her sister.

"Honestly...hard. I thought maybe it would get easier over the summer but all i'm getting is more time in the house where everything reminds me of them and-"

Tears started to fall from Elena's eyes unknowingly to her but visibly to Lovie who pulled the girl back into a hug. This one tighter than the previous.

"Cry all you need too" Lovie whispered as she rubbed the sobbing girls back gently.

The two stood there for maybe 10 minutes when Jenna, the gardian and aunt of the Gilbert teens pulled into the driveway.

"Hey girls!" Jenna greeted as she got out the car and approached the two before she registered Elena's tears and adding "I've got Ice cream"

4 hours later the three girls sat on the couch having finished their second movie when Jenna got up to wash the dishes and get ready for bed.

"I'd better head out anyways, it's getting late"

Lovie placed a blanket over the sleeping Elena and hugged Jenna goodbye and headed towards the front door.

"Drive safely" Jenna called out as she walked to the kitchen to clean up

As Lovie headed to the front door and opened it, on the other side stood her boyfriend Jeremy Gilbert. Rhe stared at each other in shock before the Gilbert boy spoke.
"Lovie. Hey. I didn't know you were coming over?"

Lovie blinked and forced a smile "Last week, you and I made plans to um just sit and draw together in your room...You must've forgot"

Jeremy frowned and smacked his forehead "Shit Lovie, I completely forgot. I'm sorry"

Lovie nodded slowly before glancing over her shoulder at the couch upon hearing movement, thinking Elena woke up only to see her still asleep.

"It's fine"
"Let's do something tomorrow? Is that okay?"
Jeremy suggested as he stepped inside the house.

"Can't I'm working."
"You got a job?"
"My first day at the grill. I told you I applied 2 weeks ago and got accepted earlier this week"

Lovie grabbed her hand behind her back as she rocked on her heels looking at the floor before dragging her eyes up to Jeremy's eyes when something caught her eye.

A bruise.

On his neck.

Despite having seen the purple marking, Lovie didn't mention it. She didn't question it, she simply wiped her eye when a tear started to build up.

"I'm gonna head out. I'll see you later?"

Instead of waiting for a response, Lovie grabbed her keys and left the house heading to her car. As she sat behind the wheel, Lovie took deep breaths in attempt to calm herself down before she started to drive back home.

Back inside the Gilbert Residence, Elena stood up from the couch and walked to Jeremy who locked the door.
"Don't start Elena"

The elder girl simply stared at her brother, her eyes searching him. "I don't know where you were but if you're hurting Lovie, we're gonna have a problem Jeremy. Don't be stupid"

"What are you talking about?" Jeremy frowned

Elena sighed as she rolled her eyes and walked upstairs to her room.
"Just don't break Lovie's heart. I will literally kill you Jeremy"

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