Chapter Eleven: Not so Big Plans

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Tha-thump, tha-thump.

    The sound of your fingers tapping nervously was all one could hear in the apartment. The television was off, all the windows were closed tightly shut, and it was late enough into the evening that most were readying themselves for bed. Despite how silent it was in your unit, your mind was anything but silent. Filled with your inner voices urging you to stop debating what you wanted to do and just do it already, the more logical side of you trying to drown out your impatient thoughts with logic and reasons why this was a bad idea.

Eventually, the other side won.

    You straightened up in your seat at the small circular kitchen table, hovering your hand over your cell phone, hesitating to make the call, but the image of Brian flashing across your mind's eye had you plucking up the device and pressing the call button. It rang once, twice, then right after the third time she picked up.

"Nia?" your voice came out, softer than you intended it to be.

"I just want you to know that if it was literally anyone else calling at the ungodly hour of," there was a brief pause, "eleven at night, I wouldn't have picked up."

"Thanks Nia, I love you too." You giggled.

"Hmph, anyways, what's up? Doubt that this is a social call."

"I need a favor." You said it plainly, the humorous tone in your voice dropping.

"Well at least you don't beat around the bush, let's hear it." Nia replied, her tone becoming more serious to match her friend's.

"You know how back in college you were the next best thing to a private investigator? You could dig up anything on anyone."

"I think I can see where this is going," Nia started playfully, "but yeah, when I was just starting to sell some of my higher end jewelry, I had to make sure my potential sponsors weren't gonna try scamming me. Never knew I had a natural talent with that kinda thing until I started doing it."

"Not gonna lie, it was kinda creepy seeing how you could find out so much with just like two or three things about a person." You said with a chuckle.

"I appreciate the compliment, but you're overselling me. I usually had a lot to go off of-"

"You used the names off of seating charts to find out everything about random kids in our class!" You exclaimed, recalling how at one point the two of you even made a game out of it. You could hear Nia laughing faintly on the other side of the call after being called out.

"Maybe I should've chosen a different career path." Nia joked lightheartedly, "But what about me being godly at poking my nose into other people's business have to do with your favor?

Another pang of fear ran through you, but for the sake of what you needed you shoved it aside. "Listen Nia, under any other circumstances I would never ask for something like this, especially from you."

"Now you're making me worried, what's up (Y/N)?" You could hear in her voice that she was unsure about what you were about to ask.

"Nia you know I take the confidentiality about my current and future patients very seriously, but I'm stuck here. I was given a patient who can't speak and refuses to have any other form of communication with me. He won't write or type, nothing beyond the occasional nod of his head. No one gave me any background info on the guy other than the crime he was caught doing, and when I try to get something more out of anybody, no one knows anything."

Nia hummed, "So you want me to do my own research so you can get something on this guy?"

"Yes. I know it's a lot, but if I don't know anything about my patient, how can I properly help? I feel like I'm failing him." You replied, the feeling of guilt settling into your bones.

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