Chapter 1- Town Riot

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I hopped off my dirt bike at the supermarket, or what's left of it anyway. I walked in and looked around, bow raised, waiting for a biter to come for me. When I thought it was safe, I looked at the food supply.

Damn it!

Almost nothing was there. I took everything that was left. A can of beans, one loaf of bread, and two boxes of Wheat Thins. It wasn't much, but it would keep me going as long as I needed it too.

As I was walking out, I saw something that caught my eye. An AK-47. I picked it up and studied it. I'll admit I wasn't a gun person, but my brother was. His name was Shane. He always loved playing BB guns with the other kids in the neighborhood. After he finished grade school and went to college, he became a police officer. I haven't seen him since before the outbreak had even started. I just hope he's alright.

I set the gun back down, hoping someone else could use it wisely, and left. I put my supplies on the back of my bike and tied them up securely to make sure they don't fall off.

That's when I heard it. A scream. The scream of a woman. A scared woman.

I jumped on my dirt bike and drove to where the scream sounded. I rode around the corner and saw her. But not just her. She was with a group. There was a woman heavily pregnant (I suspected was the screamer), a Korean man, a boy wearing a sheriff hat, a girl with short brown hair, a one legged man, a woman cowering behind a buff man with a sleeveless shirt, and a man with black hair who seemed to be the group leader.

They were surrounded by a sea of biters. There was like 50 of them! These people needed my help and fast.

I pulled out my bow and shot down a couple of biters, hitting them directly through the skull. The man in the sleeveless shirt pointed his gun at me, as if silently questioning my allegiance. When I shot down another biter, he aimed his gun away from me and started shooting down more biters.

Once all of them were dead, we all stood there for a moment, the only sound heard was our heavy breathing. That was until the man in the sleeveless shirt broke the silence. He turned to me and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

I looked at him and scoffed. I just saved their lives and he gives me that attitude?

"I don't think it matters now that I saved your sorry asses." I retorted, crossing my arms across my chest.

He opened his mouth to give a quick response, until he was cut off by another group member.

"Alright! There's no need for this!" The black haired man said, stepping between the two of us.

When he turned to face me, I looked into his eyes. I knew him. I knew him from my childhood. He was my best friend.

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