Chapter 10 - Live Life, Kill Walkers

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I whipped my head around to see hundreds of walkers stumbling towards me.

Yup. I said walkers. It's kind of hard not to when everyone in the group calls them that. So I decided to go with it.

I couldn't hold all of the walkers off. There were just to many.

I sprinted around the corner, only to find walkers coming from that way too.

Damn. I was a goner.

I tried to stay alive for as long as possible. I stabbed as many walkers as I could, but they were coming. More and more.

I closed my eyes, ready to be eaten.

I wonder if Rick or Daryl would ever forgive me for wandering away like this. Rick and Daryl. Oh, how I would miss them.


My ears rang so bad, I couldn't even comprehend what was going on.

Was this death?

I opened my eyes.

All of the walkers had stopped moving. They all turned their heads at the same time.


Their heads found the source of the gun shot. They all shuffled into that direction.

I just sat there, dumbstruck.

Who shot that gun?

Who saved my life?

I looked around.

There was no one to be seen.

I slowly rose, clutching my knife tightly.

Maybe Daryl would be back at the cell block. Maybe he would be ok.

Then bad ideas flooded through my head.

Maybe he shot the gun. That would mean.... All the walkers were heading towards him.

I ran down the hallway, the way the gun shot came from.

I froze in my tracks when I saw the hundred walkers eating something. Or someone.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I had no chance against these walkers. Even if most of them were eating.

Please don't be Daryl.

I stabbed and shot down as many walkers as I could.

Still to many.

Whoever this person was, they did not fend for themselves long.

In fact, I didn't see any dead walker bodies.

It was a suicide mission.

I made a run for it.

I sprinted back to the cell block.

Covered in blood and sweat I walked in. Everyone ran towards me, checking for bites and scratches. No matter how many times I told them I was alright, they didn't stop worrying.

"Guys I'm fine!" I yelled, finally fed up. "I'm going to go change."

I stormed off into my cell.

Daryl wasn't there.

I sighed and changed out of my bloody clothes and put on a gray spaghetti strap tank top, a pair of blue jeans, and my hiking boots.

Now, refreshed with my new clothes, I walked back out to everyone.

I sat down alone at a table.

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