Yae Miko hates Chickens

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Yae is a very talented woman/Kitsune, for one, she is very good at making fried tofu evaporate, secondly she knew how to wear shoes, and thirdly and most importantly she hate chickens.

One day, she was making fried tofu disappear while wearing shoes and hating chickens. 

One of the tofu evaporated so hard that it killed sayu due to standing so close to the tofu, Yae unfortunately accidentally evaporated sayu.

Ayaka was so mad at news of sayu's evaporation that she teleported behind Yae.

"How dare you evaporate sayu" ayaka wailed 

"Ah yes, the little ninja child... If there's one thing she can do, it's stay hidden. Kano Nana constantly complains to me about it. Apparently, she now spends so much of her time searching for Sayu that she barely has any time to read anymore. If you ask me, I'd say that Sayu has a secret ally who is helping her hide all the time..." Yae said mindlessly staring into the sky

Ayaka was so disgusted that she turned into a chicken.

The next day, Ayato visited her. He was wearing a chicken suit and had a party hat as his beak.

"hælo" shrieked Yae trying not to insult Ayato "did you finally get possessed by a chicken?" 

"nope she's my boss now, now give back sayu or else we'll flood your house with chickens" Ayato screamed in autotune 

Yae does not like chickens so she punched Ayato in the face, broke the window and jumped out of it.

"Ei!" Yae shrieked as she broke into the plane of euthymia. "HELP! THE GOVERNMENT AFTER ME!" Yae screeched in autotune breaking tables as she shrieks 

Ei just stared at her "but Miko, we are the government" said Ei who was bullying leather shoes 

Just then Ayato broke into the plane of euthymia too

"lmao" he said doing the roblox default dance "unevaporate sayu now"

Then Ei threw an entire dishwasher at ayato "Run!" 

"No" Replied Yae who started levitate 

Then Yae evaporated and then unevaporated at narukami shrine

"oh no! this is bad" said Yae who started to do a fornite dance 

suddenly zhongli materialised in front of Yae 

"AAAAAAOUGGHHHHHHHHHHH" shrieked Yae in autotune 

"Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember," he said. "But where are those who share the memory?"

Yae was so disgusted that she punched zhongli in the face and ran away

Suddenly Itto materialised in front her ,"Quick I know where to hide you!" Itto screamed as though he knew what was happening (he didn't know what was happening)

suddenly they teleported to Walmart then Itto Spawned a random dishwasher 

"Quickly hide in here!" Itto screamed silently pointing at the dishwasher 

Suddenly Ayato materialised behind them 


"Never!!" Yae shrieked summoning more dishwashers

"BEHOLD MY ULTIMATE SKILL" Ayato shrieked scattering leather shoes that we're made out of beans all across Walmart.

"Oh No!" Squealed Itto "the forbidden ritual!" as itto died and evaporated 

Suddenly Ayaka (still in chicken form) emerged from one of the leather shoes 

"GIVE BACK SAYU" Ayaka boomed as all of the tables in tevat evaporates 

"NEVVVEERRRRRR" Yae shrieked as she run towards Ayaka then punched her in the face

"AAAAAAOOOOOOUUGHHHHHHH" Ayaka squawked disappearing into thin air  

Then Ayato suddenly died, But in instead of starting to mourning over deaths

Yae started to sing the Macarena and dancing the roblox /e dance 

 Now everything is normal again Yae can now continue to making fried tofu disappear while wearing shoes and hating chickens.

Then Suddenly Yae felt her self dying because of her condition on smelling too much beans

"good bye cruel world, " Yae said as though she was the only protagonist in the world

Slowly evaporating and making a soft "AAAAOUUUUGHHHHH" sound

The end

Oh my that was alottt to progress , ITS FINALLY OVER. Yay!!!! Thank you for reading my little short fic and i hope this makes your day better! see you in like 3 days or more i guess

Next Piece: Keqing Hates on a Table and Dies

Yae Miko Punches a Chicken and diesWhere stories live. Discover now