Chapter 3

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"You know maybe I should try out for a sport," Hallow said, turning to her sibling. "It might help me get things off my mind and it would make Mr and Mrs.Wood happy."

"You know even if they don't treat you well they're still your biological parents no matter what you want." Charlie said.

"I know," she grumbled.

"Well you could be a cheerleader like me," Willow said.

"I think this school has too many sports," Hallow grumbled.

"It's a mix of a high school and a middle school so their are sport you'd normally see in high school,"

"I know I know. I also know it's hard to get in because there's no middle school teams and it's all one team."

"Exactly you'll be fighting high schoolers for a spot on whatever team you choose to join." Willow said.

"Wiat who did you get on the team again,"

"I told you that it's because of that camp mom and dad sent me to and because not many people signed up. I may be the worst person on the squad but that's also because I'm the youngest."

"So they kept you because you'll be better in a few years?" Charlie asked

"Why else would they keep me?"

"Forget I asked, anyway Hallow what are you going to try out for."

"I don't know..." she looked at the posters for all the teams that needed more people. For the summer sesion. It was almost June and the school year was almost over. Some of the posters were for the boy team and others were for girl teams, others were for anyone. This was also a fancy private school so it had more options for what they could do. And of course the summer spots are through the school.

She looked over her options.

Gymnastic.... No, cheer... definitely not..... Soccer.... Didn't seem worth it. Horseback riding.... No she doesn't have any experience... she discarded every option until her eyes fell onto a different far a only boys team but will take anyone girl included. This one seemed like the one even if she was young.

"I think I know which one to try out for."

~~~~~~~~At practice~~~~~~~~

She looked at the large room, there were boys warming up and others were talking to their coaches.

"Hello little girl, are you here to watch?" The coaches asked her.

"No, I'm here to join the team you said you'll take anyone. And I'm anyone."

The couch stared at her blankly, "you do realize what you're trying out for right?"

"Fencing right?"

"Yep this is the place.. Well we are short of a full team, fine you can try out for the team."

"Great, so what do you want me to do?"

"Well first I need your grade and age"

"8th, almost a Freshman and I'm 13"

"Ok thank you," he wrote some stuff down. "Well Asher come over here," he yelled at a group of boys. A boy with black hair and blue walked out of the group towards him

"What do you need, Coach?" he asked.

"Ok if I'm remembering correctly you're in 8th grade right?"


"Good I need you to duel her, 5 minutes if she gets one touch she's on the team."

"Coach, you do realize this is an all-boy team."

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