Chapter 8

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"Scissors...... Scissors... Can youse hear me?"

"I don't think she's awake...... I'm going to get some rest tell me if she wakes up"

"Got it."

Scissors opens her eyes to find herself laying in her bed, Handaconda was nearby in a chair. He had his eyes closed. He was probably sleeping. Scissor felt dizzy as she tried to remember what had happened.

She remers helping Rubber ove boxes then the little girl and them talking about her... she rmerbs something else. But she didn't know if it was just her imagination or if it was really true.

"Hey, you're finally awake." A voice said, she wiped her head around to see Tape standing next to her bed.

"And I thought Handaconda was the one giving people heart attacks."

"Not really that funny.....Look, everyone was really worried. me especially." he muttered

"What happened?"

"I think I should be the one to ask you that," he chuckled but then his smile faded. "Well, you were moving boxes with Rubber and she said you collapsed."

"Oh," was all she could think of to say.

She sat down on her bed. "Are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah... just my head hurts a little bit.... How long has it been?"

"Just a day...."

"What time is it?"

"Almost midnight, why?"

"You should get some rest."

"I know... but I was just worried."

"Go get some rest Tape."

"Fine..". he muttered. Then he left. Once she was sure he couldn't hear her. She shut the door just in case and tapped Handaconda on the shoulder.

"Wake up," she hissed into his ear.

"What is it..." he groaned. Then he saws Scissors. "Oh you finally awake."

"I have a question for you."

"Why me?"

"Because you're the only person who remembers stuff from the past."

"Fair point... what is it?"

"Well it's about a little girl, I don't remember her name. Do you know who I'm talking about?"

"Yes, what about her?"

Scissors took a deep breath, "Is she really my daughter?"

Handaconda was hesitant about his answer, he was unsure what to tell her.

"Well... I don't know, do you want to know?"

"Handaconda.." she growled. "I will not ask again. I want to know."

He sighed. "Yes... yours and Tape."


"She is your daughter...."

Scissors just stood there for a bit before speaking again.

"Does anyone else know?"

"Only me and now you."

Scissors moved over to her bed and sat down. She buried her hands in her face she was trying hard not to cry. "I'm a horrible person......"

"Now what makes you say that?"

"I couldn't even remember her... I remember everyone else, mostly but not her. Out of everyone I don't even know her name."

"It's Shangri... but she was adopted and goes by Hallow now,"

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