Chapter 11

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Rose DeLuca


We finally sat down for dinner, there are many people here that I don't know but a few I do. The ones I know or heard of are, the queen, her partner, Liliana and Daniel, the queen's right-hand woman, her bodyguards, my family, Maria's family, and Leo.

In my eyes, a good amount from the hundreds of people in here. I know they're all friends of the queen or her partner or mafias that associate with the queen, business partners they work for or with the queen. My dad works with the queen, and the Moretti mafia is a mafia that has been helping the queen since the stone age.

From the stories I've been told, she's the head of the strongest mafia/business to ever step upon this world. So we call her the queen. From what Maria says, she's extremely nice, excepting, beautiful, charming, and experienced.

Maria and her meet every other weekend to drink or just be their age. They're both in their early 20s and they're the heads of the 2 most strong mafias in the world, they're acting a lot more like 70-year-olds than 21-22-year-olds.

Maria is sitting right next to the queen on her right side. On her left there's her partner, I'm not sure if they're cis or non-binary or whatever, so I just use gender-neutral terms to respect them.

"Rose?" I hear from my side, I look to see Maria, I smile at her, and then a questioning look.

"I want you to meet Lucifer but call her Luci, and her wife Grace," Maria says gesturing to each one. I nod and smile at them that only Grace returns. "This is Rose, the one I've told you about," Maria says more to Luci than to Grace.

Luci finally smiles at me, amusement showing in her eyes. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Rose, Maria never shuts her bloody mouth about you." She says, her British accent thick in her speech.

"It's true, the way she talks about you, I started to think that you're an angel," Grace says with a teasing smile toward Maria. I look at my girlfriend only to find her blushing and trying to not make eye contact with anyone.

I just giggle at her which makes her pout. The three of us start to laugh at the pouting and blushing woman sitting next to me. "I hate you guys..." She says taking a sip from her wine.

The food is served by maids and we start to eat. "Don't you want some wine, Rose?" Grace's voice invades my ears.

"Thank you, but no. I don't drink." I say smiling. It's a white lie. I used to drink, but now I can't.

I still have a few days till my period should be here, but I know I'm pregnant. We didn't use protection, and in my last yearly checkup, the doctor said it'll be very easy to get me pregnant.

After we finish eating, we go to the dance floor. Me, Maria, the queen, and her wife all sit at a table above the dance floor.

I'm sitting on Maria's lap, and Grace is sitting on Luci's lap. I and she are playing on our phones while cuddling into our teddy bear's chest. Maria and Luci are talking about who knows what.


"Will you do the honour of dancing with me?" Maria asks with her hand out for me to take hold of.

I giggle at the cheesiness but take her hand anyway. She walks us to the dance floor just as 'Torna a casa' by Måneskin starts to play. It's not a slow song but it's one of my favourites.

We start dancing in each other's arms as others do as well. "You know, if you weren't here, I'd have to dance with some stuck-up bitch." She says in my ear.

"Hmm, now we wouldn't want that do we? Cazzo, I love you so much Mar... You are the fucking light of my life and I have no idea where I'd be without you. I love you to fucking bits and if you ever leave me I don't think I'd ever get over it." I say sinking my head in her upper abdomen.

"I love you so much too Ro. I'll never leave you. It'll hurt too much, the heartbreak would be unbearable, and I would probably just give up without you in my life." She says hugging me to her chest. The song ends and a different song I can't identify starts to play and we get back to our sits.

For the rest of the ball we talk with the royal couple and around 10 pm I start to feel extremely tired, which is very weird seeing I usually can stay up till 1 am. Which tells me I'm probably pregnant.

Maria carries me to the car because I was too tired to walk. The next time I wake up we're at Maria's place.

"Ngh..." I groan as she lays me down on the bed.

"Go to sleep baby, I'll take care of everything." She says. But I just shake my head and attempt to get out of my dress. Maria just watches me in amusement.

She finally walks over and helps me take off the dress, the boob tape, and the makeup and dresses me back in one of her shirts, underneath I have lingerie panties.

Maria walks out of the bathroom with no clothes on and cuddles up to me.

"Babe... It's too hot..." I say sweating. She takes off the remaining clothes I hand on and turns the AC on. She then wraps me in her big muscular arms pulling me into her. "Mari... Why are you hard?" I ask turning my head to her.

She just gives me a small smile. "You're a too hot baby. And the feeling of your skin just makes me excited baby girl..." She hums huskily.

I take a second or two to think about it and to come up with cons and pros.

The pros are, sex, Maria, her abs, sex, getting this damn ache under control, I'm so fucking wet, I'm already pregnant so no condom.

The cons are, I'm tired.

So I turn us around...



Haha... I'm starting to write the next chapter right now lol... Sit tight.

Question of the chapter:

Who is your favourite band/singer?

Mines Hayley Kiyoko, Måneskin, and Girl in Red obviously...

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