What's logic?

37 3 10

It's raining.

I hate rainy days...

I don't pay attention to where I was walking, and I stepped in a puddle.

I hate puddles...

I shake my paw pointlessly, trying to get it to dry. It took a while, but once it dried off, I continued in my journey.

But I slipped into the puddle.

I hate puddles...

I transform back into a human.

I wearing a black Tank-top, black shorts, and several yellow bracelets and necklaces. Normally, I get whatever type of clothes I need in the temperature I'm in. But it's raining. So, I make it not rain.

I look up the now crystal blue sky.

You may wonder how I did that.

I'm the protagonist, I can do whatever I want.

I decide to go to a nearby town to get something to eat. I can't get anything to eat as an umbreon.

I go to a small diner. It was quite crowded at the moment.

I hate humans, especially in groups.

Oh yeah. You may or may not have noticed, but I'm not human.

Well, not completely, anyways.

I can turn into different evolutions of eevee at will.

It's kind of like I'm some run away lab experiment... But that's crazy! You only find that in cliché si-fi movies.

I mean, this is real life, not some lame anime.

Sure, we have giant fire-breathing foxes and mice that can electrocute you to death. But that's totally normal.

I take a seat at one of the corner booths that conveniently happens to be open on a super busy day.

"Hey, can I sit here? There's no where else to sit..."

I look up to a a boy with silver hair pointing to a seat in my booth.

I hate boys...

I hate the color silver...

" Meow Meow. Fine...", I groaned.

"My name is Silver! I'm looking for an escaped lab experiment! Would you like to join me?", Silver exclaims happily.

Why would you tell me about this?

I hate Si-fi.

"Meow Meow. No."

"What's your name?"

"Meow Meow. Kitty.", I spat.

"Well, Kitty, are you sure you don't want to come with me? I mean, a trainer traveling alone is-"

I slap him in the face.

"MEOW MEOW. DO I LOOK LIKE A TRAINER TO YOU?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!???!?!?", I scream.


I pick up the table and throw it at Silver.


I then run out of the shop to a field.

I turn into an Espeon and sit under the shade of a tree.

I decide to take a nap, hating everything is hard work.

Just before I fall asleep, I hear a very familiar voice.

"A wild Espeon..."


I hate everything.


I growl at the giant charizard infront of me.

I hate charizards.

I narrowly dodge a flame thrower.

I'm not trained, so I'm not good at battling.

I send a psybeam his way.

Because an untrained espeon obviously has that move.

He dodges it.

He uses flame thrower, and it hits me straight on.

Silver throws a pokéball at me, it his me in the face.

This is animal abuse!!

He throws another one and it covers me in a red light.

I hate trainers...

I hate pokéballs...

I hate the color red...

And if you haven't figured it out by now....


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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