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Greetings readers! Thank you for taking the time to read my work x

If, like me, you are a teenager struggling with the concept of having to pull out an entire creative writing essay for a designated prompt in exam conditions in 45 minutes from your arse, look no further! I tell a lie, you should probably do a lot more digging than my few measly stories. Anyways, my point was that I know, I get it, I understand the immense crippling pressure the subject of English can bring because I have been through it, I am going through it and I am to continue to go through it.

As an inexperienced, uninspiring person who you should most definitely not take advice from, here is some advice: 

-Try and incorporate a cyclical structure, or just something that is repeated at the very end that was mentioned in the text (the examiners will drool)

-Be clear with the message you are trying to convey. More often than not, the writing does not convey a purposeful message, but keep it consistent so that there is a possibility of someone psychoanalysing the deep meaningful message behind it, which of course we know is utter BS. Remember, you're creating art! (Motifs and semantic fields enforce this)

-Basic, basic stuff like similes and metaphors 

-More punctuation than just full stops and commas. I know it's intimidating, but trust me: colons and semi-colons are much easier to incorporate than you'd first think; maybe draw them at the side and tick them off once you've used them?

-A range of sentence starters. You don't have to go crazy with it, but just not 'the' or pronouns every time

-Don't make it too long. 4 decent sized paragraphs are plenty.

-And finally, KEEP CALM, YOU CAN DO THIS. If anyone can get through this English exam it's you. It's hard thinking of stories off the top of your head. Immerse yourself in inspiration! Maybe write a few short stories that could be adapted to fit the set prompt

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