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After a hot sex scene
Hank walked off the bed with his bare ass showing and he went to the bathroom to take a shower
After the shower hanks stomach began to hurt and he needed to puke
So after throwing up the propane tank rolled in
The propane tank was worried (yet you couldn't tell because it's a propane tank)
So the tank rolled hank to the hospital and the doctor came out and had the look of fear confusion and more fear as he said the following
Mr hank hill you are pregnant
Hank gasped
And the propane tank was shocked (again you can't tell because it's a propane tank)
Hank was shocked and was scared that the propane would leave him for being pregnant
But the propane tank rubbed his thighs and hank smiled
Time skip: 9 months (because I'm lazy)
Hanks pregnancy was going good
Hank had weird food craving and he ate a lot or gross stuff like dirt and grass and ass
But hank felt his water break and the propane tank hurried him to the hospital
When he was in the delivery room the doctors and nurses were trying to figure out where the fuck the baby was going to come out of since they never seen a man give birth
The doctor said regrettably to push
And hank screamed as he pushed out the little propane tank with a human face on it
And everyone in the hospital threw up and quit their jobs (as they should)
Hank cried happy tears and the propane tank got down on his knee (but he didn't have a knee so he didn't do anything actually)
And pulled out a diamond ring

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