Late smoke shesh @ the studio

149 10 5

December 1 2020
Nessa's pov

I'm sitting on my bed after coming back from Josh's he punished me because I accidentally spilled water then he kicked me out.I was so sore that I couldn't even drive so I had to get a Uber.I wish I could say that things have changed.That he actually loves me and treated me how he did before but that's a lie.Everyone thinks we're are so perfect especially the internet but it's fake love.That's a good lyric,I look for my song book but I can't find it so I just wrote it on my arm.

I really shouldn't be alone right now but I barley have any friends because Josh made me cut off all the men in my life.Even Bryce and cooper and they are like my brothers.And all the girls I was friends with don't like me because of the chase situation.Mads is still my friend even though we kindof drifted apart after me and Josh spilt.But I really need a friend right now.

Crybaby ness🧕🏿🤡😭
Hey,you wanna hang out .
I feel like we have not
hung out in so long

Wifey 💍
Not right now

Crybaby ness 🧕🏿🤡😭
Oh why not

Janesa we can't be friends

Crybaby ness 🧕🏿🤡😭
What why not

Because Jaden said
he doesn't like how
you fucked chase

Crybaby ness 🧕🏿🤡😭
So you don't want to be friends
because Jaden doesn't like what
"I did" 6 months ago

Well i also don't
like what you did

Crybaby ness 🧕🏿🤡😭
Ok whatever

Crybaby ness 🧕🏿🤡😭
Also why the fuck would you
tell the sway boys that we fucked

Jaden wouldn't talk to me
so I had to tell him something

Crybaby ness 🧕🏿🤡😭
But it was a whole ass

Listen your relationship with
Josh is not going anywhere mine and
Jaden is
can't you just be happy for me

"Wifey💍" has been changed to "plastic 🙄🖕"
"plastic🙄🖕" has been blocked

Fake friends,wait fake love fake friends,I add that to my arm as well.I unfollow her and decided to go to the studio that's pretty much were I spend most of my time.But I have to get my car from sway first.I throw on a random hoodie with sweats and Uber to sway.When I get there I see Bryce filming I wave and continue my journey into the house.When I get to Josh's room for my keys I hear heavy breathing I ignore it and just knock.

"What" I hear the devil himself yell "it's ness can I come in" "one sec" he yells in response.After a few seconds he opens the door way harder then I expect causing me to flitch he just rolls his eyes "didn't I tell you to go home like 2 fucking hours ago" "yes I'm sorry I just need my car keys so I can go to the studio"

"I don't care you know not listening to me resorts in a punishment"

This was the longest one and I don't even know why.He finally finished the "punishment" after and I kid you not 4 and a-half hours.

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