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Jadens pov
Nessa's house
watching chucky
5:47 pm

Jakes dad is literally being electrocuted when I feel ness grab my shirt and snuggle more into it while shifting her position on my lap,I look down to see her eyes fighting to stay open.

"Take a nap angel your exhausted" I say while grabbing the remote to pause the tv "no chicky I'm fine it's gonna be boring if I go to sleep to early" she replies still fighting off the sleep. That has to be one of the cutest nicknames I was ever giving and I don't even know what it means.Ignoring her I pause the tv lay backwards pulling her with my playing with her hair "Jae I just said I'm not tired" she says trying to sit back up and grab the remote. "J I'm tired can we please just take a nap" I pull her back down.

I'm not tired but I know she is and she won't sleep unless she thinks that I'm sleeping "ok" she cuddles up into my chest and in a good 30 seconds she was out.

I grab my phone and continue to play with her hair with one hand I open up Instagram to be met with a tiktok room post that mads unfollowed me, usually it hurts and I call and text her nonstop leading us to eventually getting back together but now it's different I look down to the pure girl on my chest and I couldn't care less about the Barbie bitch that unfollowed me.I'm not gonna unfollow her back because that's just unnecessary drama.

I put my phone down and look at Nessa again. She's so pretty her lips are slightly parted soft sounds coming out,some of her hair is thrown across her face making me gently put it behind her ear it falling again causing me to redo my actions I pull her closer to me cuddling her even more if that was even possible and closing my eyes suddenly feeling really tired.

Nessa's pov

"STOP" I yell in hope knowing it won't work. "PLEASE STOP" "you deserve it" he calmly speaks terrifying me more. I turn not wanting to look him in the face just to see my dad "really did I raise you like this you fucking slut" tears quickly brim my eyes "dad I don't-I mean-I don't wan-" I can't seem to get my sentence out "I fucking hate you and your a embarrassment to the Barrett last name" and my dad walks out making me turn back around to see him done. I stand up quickly my legs shaking because of what just happened following him as fast as I can but when I get out of the house dads far gone. I look left and right to see where he might have gone but all I see is a church. I turn back around to go back inside knowing that if he wakes up and I'm not it'll happen all over again. But every thing else is gone besides the church. I walk in a pray to be a better daughter,I pray to be out of the situation I'm in, I pray for a savior.

With a perfect view of chickys face which has a small smile as his chest raises up and down. You know I hate my life and this fuck ass world but since it has him in it I'll forgive it. "What are you staring at angel" a groggy voice asks "nothing" i blush embarrassed that i just got caught "well it has to be something" he kisses my nose. "It's to soon I don't want to scare you away" "I'm not going away" "it's just.. well..I went through something's in my childhood that made me not be so religious and I've had fucked up shit happen most of my life but I'll forgive god for sending me you, I'll forgive the world as long as it has you."

I look down hopeful that didn't scare him away like come on it's been less then a day but he's already becoming my favorite person in the entire world he lifts my chin because this man just loves to do that for some reason and he smiles brightly and kisses me passionately. "Ok enough sappy shit let's watch a doll kill mother fuckers." I say reacher over him to grab the remote.

This is a draft because I forgot to update in a while and I'm sorry I've been kinda focused on my naden oneshots

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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