a chalenging feast part 1

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I wake up ot Chris blasting an air horn I sigh and start getting dressed quickly  everyone  follows  quickly and heads outside Eva is listening to her MP3 player, Cody reaches to touch it, but she angrily growls. Than Chris starts to speak and explain "Morning, hope you slept well " than Heather chimes in

" Hi, Chris, you look really buff in those shorts." I see Erika roll her eyes and just take a breath she is gonna lose it a some point I just put my hand on her shoulder  and she nods and I whisper whatever  this challenge  is I'm gonna push miss diva in the mud don't worry
Erika giggle  quietly  and whispering back says "I'll help she needs it" I smirk nod than continue to listen to Chris making sure I don't miss the challenge  rules
"I know. He winks at her and continues, "I hope you are all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute,"

" Oh, excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen says
"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen, right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake," Chris says with his signature  smirk
" So you're funny now? Eva says irritated she tries to lunge at chris but , Duncan stops her "You know what I would think be funny?"
Courtney whispers something  to Eva and she slightly  calms down
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"Eva asks glaring at Chris

" A little, you have 30 seconds."  He smiles and continues
"Okay, runners, on your marks, get set, go!"
The race starts  Tyler runs. The sun shines, most people  run while Gwen, Harold, Katie and Sadie walk.
"Do you know how much longer?"I hear Harold say behind me
Bridgette and Justin run past them and run past Erika and I. I see
Noah runs past Heather and Erika chuckles
" Do you mind?"Heather says and  I roll my eyes as we keep an even pace I look over
Heather stops, seeing that Owen is licking the puddle.
"Can't....catch.....breath...must......must...have...condition!" He huffs and continues licking between words and breaths
"Yeah, it's called "overheating, " look into it." Heather condescending I look feeling sorry for him as we continue  leaving them behind I hear
Chris driving a scooter he than shouts into the megaphone
" Pick it up, people, your not back by dinner time, you don't eat."  I shake  my head and catch up to Duncan I throw him a smirk and start to run ahead of him and we race to the mess hall he loses by a second  and I grin "I win I gloat " he rolls his eyes
"I let you win " he says
"Like hell you did you just don't  like that you lost ,"
"whatever" he says walking into the mess hall and i watch as Erika is starting  to  catch up panting but still doing well  as she makes it to the door she leans against  it and I pat her back
We walk in some contestants where some of them are tired and sleeping, Chris is filing his fingers Owen carries
Noah "Clear a table, stat!" He yells and places Noah on a table and starts doing chest compressions
"We made it!" Leshawna says walking in
"What took so long?"  Courtney says annoyed as Harold is clutching his chest "We lost the challenge!" She finishes
" I think I'm having heart palpations!" Harold  says out of breath
"Hey, wait a minute, if they lost, that means we won the challenge!" Gwen reasons
All The Screaming Gophers cheer.
"Whoa there, hold your horses, guys, that wasn't the challenge." Chris says
"What did you just say? " gwen questions
" Who's hungry? "  The curtain opens, showing a huge buffet everyone grins and starts looking to think where to start I look to dunkan looking to me and I roll my eyes and go to grab a plate
[Authors note: I could use some comments  of what you guys like and don't like in the book keep it respectful and constructive  I want you guys to enjoy this and improve my writing]

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