Remember Me

166 7 5

TW: Derealization, almost death, lots of existential stuff

Not Requested

A/N: This is kind of different to my usual style, but I had a lot of fun (if the 1834 words is anything to go by). This is kind of based on that one Star Trek: Next Generation episode "Remember Me"

 Ranboo woke up slowly, his eyes heavy with sleep as the sun filtered through the curtains and onto the wall. He was 98% sure that if he was even the slightest bit more awake he would appreciate the hazy shapes projected onto the worn paint. But, right now? Right now he really wanted to roll over and go back to bed. But, the world was cruel, and Tommy wanted to film a vlog with him.

Groaning, the boy (technically legal adult now 😎) pulled himself to his feet, his legs feeling like jelly as he stumbled towards the kitchen. He wasn't paid enough for this, man. To do this, he should be paid like, a million dollars, or something. Definitely not for free. Existing was too exhausting for that.

Pausing in the middle of pouring his cereal to pull out his vibrating phone, he accepted the call coming from a certain child.

"Hey, what's up?" he greeted, fully prepared for his ear to be blown off.

"Where are you?" Ah, a pleasant surprise. No yelling (at least not yet).

"In my house?"


"Because I just woke up and have a whole hour until I have to leave?"

"What?" Ranboo froze. Please tell me I set my alarm to the right time. "You were supposed to meet me like fifteen minutes ago, man!" Tommy yelled. There it is. Sneaking a glance at the clock, the boy easily confirmed that the blond was, in fact, correct, and he was very much late.

"You have got to be kidding me," he muttered under his breath. "I'll be there as soon as I can, Tommy," he said into the speaker before promptly hanging up, shoveling the half poured cereal into a ziplock bag. At least it wasn't a time sensitive vlog? It wasn't even very planned, just an impromptu hang out turned filming session idea. Still, though. He should probably get a move on.

Keys, mask, wallet, jacket, and.... is that it? He patted his pockets again. It felt like he was missing something. Furrowing his brow, he made his way outside anyway. If he forgot something important, he would probably notice sooner or later. Probably.

He got about halfway down the block before he tried to pull out his phone. The phone that he left on the counter while he packed his cereal. Now seems like a great time to yell a swear word. He didn't though, as the "PG" streamer he was.

Jogging back to his house, he only struggled with the key for a couple seconds before it swung open with a bang, the empty house almost eerie as he ran through, grabbing his phone as he went. And then he spotted his water bottle. That's probably at least kind of important.

He grabbed it too.


After the completely planned trip back to his house, it only took him ten minutes to get to the place where he was meeting Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Phil (Big Russ as well, of course). A ¾ moment if you asked Twitch Chat (which they didn't).

"Took you long enough," Tubbo commented, his eyebrows raised.

"Alarm went off at the wrong time," Ranboo panted (as the walk was technically supposed to be a 20 minute one... needless to say he didn't walk).

"That seems like a you problem."



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