The start of the Europa conflict.

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It began as an idea, after the Europa conflict which featured the company M.E.C. wanting total control of Europa and all of its ice resources. The Europa Conflict Coalition formed with members from F.N.E, C.O.X, IGC and L.S.

Devoted entirely to the free passage of and mining of the ice resource on Europa. Essential for the fuel of ground to orbit vessels and oxygen in deep space. Conflict was inevitable over this vital fuel source.

It didn't take long. An outpost was established by a fellow inhabitant to provide ice and hydrogen fuel when needed. And MEC did not want competition on their fuel monopoly. FNE had provided a transport ship for them to move ice and fuel. And with that asset under threat established a forward position nearby with a stealth cruiser watching. This vessel was space bound so the commander took remote control of a fellow allies Mjolnir class vessel for the beginning of the engagement. The ships stood no chance against the custom designs that MEC were fielding and with a poor remote connection the ship was lost. Alongside the transport vessel on the surface, the outpost and other vessels.
IGC also took out a MEC ground - orbit tether as well for their orbital fuel station. And at least one more tether.

The FNE cruiser moved into orbit and engaged a MEC vessel that was leaving. Based on the jump direction the commander predicted that the vessel was moving to the MEC headquarters out in space. And with a far longer jump distance arrived first.
The cruiser closed in on the headquarters to find a one way shield established and took some fire.
Then withdrew to wait for the MEC vessel to arrive. Upon the arrival of the enemy ship the stealth cruiser moved in and engaged the vessel. Though sensors lost it shortly after due to its own stealth design in the pitch black of space.
Eventually the battle came to an end and the FNE stealth cruiser withdrew to head back to base with minor damage and most munitions expended.
Most of the crew had survived with only two crew losses due to decompression. The ship had nearly finished its jump cycle when a malfunction occurred. The vessel wouldn't perform the final jump home to the asteroid base, the donut as it was affectionately called. Housing a large carrier in the centre with a large solar array. And then docks extending outwards from the asteroid which had another cruiser stationed, two gunships and a small frigate along with utility vessels.
The crew entered cryo to drift some of the way believing it to be a spacial anomaly. And approximately 24 hours later exited the cryopods and performed the final jump.
They emerged into a debris field. Unbeknown to the crew and the outpost inhabitants, MEC had known the location of the base for some time. And after engaging with the stealth cruiser in Europa's orbit had dispatched a task force to the station.
There were no survivors. Chunks of the structure survived. And were towed to docking clamps on the cruiser and any surviving cargo containers on the base were emptied into the ships storage.
The carrier had been stolen by the MEC forces and they had attempted to drop it on an IGC base on earth from orbit. Due to the ion thrusters on the carrier maneuvering in atmosphere was next to impossible. And once sufficiently in the gravity well it couldn't escape. And so it hurtled down towards the IGC base missing it by only a few hundred metres which was a spectacular feat considering the distances involved and lack of maneuverability in atmosphere.
After salvaging as much as possible from the base and debris in the short time frame the FNE cruiser then left the area incase of further enemy presence. And began exploration for a new site to call home and the slow construction of a new space station. The Anchorage.

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