FSS Comments (Frearson System Solutions)

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Due to a poor memory events may not be in quite the right order, And in the case of IGC it's easier to refer to them as IGC as they went through a few different names.
I'll apologise in advance for this really long chapter. I had a lot to say about my time on the server. The events that took place and the giant mistakes made.

Like many people I was unprepared for covid, lockdowns etc and having been furloughed (UK resident) and unable to find another job whilst locked down. Space engineers and the SERP server (SPACE engineers roleplay) became a new home whilst the country was locked down. I already had a few friends from past servers but as happens over time people lose touch and being stuck at home isolated isn't a good thing. My only trips from the house were for motorbike lessons in preparation for passing my full bike test and a trip to the bank and shop which I tied in on the same day.
So nearly every other moment was spent designing new vessels and outposts and coming up with ideas for my faction. As one of the earliest players on the server it was a great environment. I got to know some other players and a couple of us worked together as we started out.
Eventually though the occasional player left, others joined and the server politics changed, shandy was the first to be driven away by snooze after he joined. I had a short war with MEC which eventually ended with us working together on some npc kills and admin designed missions. The first war happened after they claimed Mars and Europa the greatest ice source ingame. This ended with the total destruction of my first space station and the entire docked fleet.

I will admit I was really pissed off, the opening strikes involved trying to defend an ice mining facility (this didn't work) and intercepting a MEC vessel in space. It kicked off late in the evening and after trying to jump home but the ship not jumping I gave up and went to bed. Whilst I was offline and asleep, one of the MEC members went a tad overboard and obliterated nearly the entire base I'd built and the nearly a dozen various ships I'd built and stationed there going so far as to drop the carrier on earth near IGC ranger's base. I logged on the next day and jumped home into a giant shit show of a debris field. Had a rant on discord and got to rebuilding. I'd enjoyed the server up to this point and hadn't seen such an extreme attack coming given the limited fight we'd had the day before. During a co-op operation I'd opened the survival kit on the carrier for MEC to spawn at to launch fighters. I thought I'd changed this back but apparently hadn't and a member spawned in, got killed by the automated defences and used the death GPS as a way point to find my base.(apparently the target all turrets didn't work and so the MEC members had free roam of the base) I'm not proud of the rant I went on to them. But we eventually overcame that, peace was signed, a small FNE operated outpost was established on Europa and we got on with it. Even going so far as to set up a memorial on Europa to all the vessels etc lost containing console blueprints of them and details on operations etc.

A while after a player called snooze joined. Trouble from the start. Provocative, argumentative. You name it he did it. Continuously trying to pick a fight and when someone hit back played the victim and hurled accusations of rule breaking and bullying.
At one point we tried out the defence Shields mod on the server. As one of the largest component stockpiles, I offered the parts needed to everyone including him. I was turned down, ok fair enough. Despite this offer the provocation continued. By this point I'd changed tactic on ships and having shields built a modified workshop X-303 by thanatoast. I don't remember exactly what caused it but snooze got me muted on discord. Likely the arguing back and forth and I saw a chance to declare war. Being busy I just kept it short. Declaring war on him, I was reported for a rule break for declaring hostilities without a good reason. Once I got home I explained my reasonings, disrupting communication being a military threat and admin upheld the declaration.

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