Chapter 1

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            -Head-Up and Hands Down-

      He gives a decisive order to his men, ready to go out and start a heist.  The boss, Cain, fingers over his temple, over the mark on his forehead, confident in his ability to move forward. He puts his mask on and gets into the van, with a selection of men, ready to make the biggest heist of the century at a nearby bank.
       She and her friend pull up to the Great Bank, pulling into a parking spot. She, Jordan, Didn’t feel like getting out due to the lack of a/c in such a large space, so her friend heads inside, as she sits in the car. “Ughhh!” Her Phone dies Moments after she walks in, too lazy to yell for her to come back and give her the keys.
         Jordan gets out of the car quickly walking across the street into the bank. She scans the area and finds her friend in a waiting area. She sits with her and sees she has a waiting card for a couple of hours, she knew she wasn’t getting out of there any time soon.
         The Van drives at a breakneck speed, speeding to the block the bank is on in broad daylight.
          Jordan got on her phone to play a game;  quickly remembering  it was dead, letting her head fall into her lap,her, emily giggles get up and walking over to the help desk to ask an assistant to get her wait time moved up. 
     The Van Crashes into the door of the bank, sending debris flying, as Cain and his Men pour out, taking random citizens hostage as they storm the bank headed for the volts. Jordan is grabbed by a gunman, her friend, emily is being herded into a corner with other hostages. 
A mother and her child along with other citizens make there way out though the hole, when the small girl looks back she sees her toy on the ground, she runs to her toy and once she looks up a gunmen is standing over her, he grabs her arm and herds her into the crowd with the other hostages, next to Jordan and emily.
The small girl looks up at her tear threatening face, as if to fall, she looks arould and sees that all the other kids if any were still in this danger situaltion, luckily there wasn’t.
The leader shoots his gun to quiet the crowd, the girl screams and clings to jordan, 
“Which one of you work here, and know how to open the Safe?” his voice deep and cold. A woman rises her hand, a gunmen grabs her to takes her to the back,
Cain starts to follow when he hears someone mumble under their breath. He walks back to the crowd and looks into the crowd as if looking for something, his eyes stop on a pair of wild defiant, deep blue eyes. “Say it Again.” his voice could cut any tension with a knife.
Jordan bites her lip, emily shakes her head as if too say don’t do it 
 “So you're so much of a heartless bitch that you would take a child away from her mother?”
 Emily Looks at her like she’s insane, her eyes saying “What are you doing?! Shut up, your gonna get yourself killed!” 
The leader looks at her blankly pointing a gun straight at her head. “If i’m so heartless bitch, why shouldn’t a shoot you right now  point blank?” As he spoke he walks though the crowd of siting people making his way towards her, once he closed  the gap  the head of his  gun is resting on her forhead. “Huh? What’s Stopping me?”
Emily whispers in jordans ear, just above a whisper. “Just say your sorry and back off Jay, you don’t have to always be the hero.”Emily says pleading for her friend to stop.  Jordan looks right into his eyes. “I dont’t know what’s holding you back and i really don’t care, “ she looks at the kid. “But she doesn’t need to see this. Dont’t you have a little sibling? 
His eyes soften for a second, the next second gone. “I see, so if  you wanna shoot me,shoot me,  but at least get her to her mom.” She says holding the girl close trying to calm the girl as she scans the room for her mother. He waves her off dismissively. 
¨Yeah. Bring the gal to her mum. “  Jordan leans closer to the little girl. “Do your see her?” she points to the hole in the wall next to the damaged van a guy now stands next to it. walks to the door of the bank. “Your gonna be fine, youĺl be with your mom soon enough “  she gets up though the crowd of people leaving emily behind , she makes it to door and covers the girls ears as  another gunshot went off, she pulls on the handle finding it locked, she rolls her eyes and callsback to the leader once more. 
“Hey Asshole her mother’s outside so why don't cha unlock the door for me.” He smirks under his mask, readying his weapon before running over, knowing she could be lying straight through her teeth,  grabbing  Jordan’s shoulder and opening the door. 
“I Reckon she find her mum by herself. Don’t wanna lose such a prize hostage, eh?” He tucks the barrel of his gun under her chin before pulling her back. “Ass.” Jordan mumbles before she turns her attention back to the girl asking if her mother is really out there. 
She points and nods Jordan slowly sets her down. “Go Hurry up she must be worried sick. The small girl hugs Jordan and runs across the street, into her mother’s arms. She sighs and stands up Into his grasp. 
         Cain pulls her to the back to the back of the bank. “She’s awful pretty eh, boys? Might take her home to mum. Propose after dinner.-“ “Your Real Funny Asshat!” Jordan says jerking from his grasp. Cain Laughs Heartily and puts his gun over his shoulder. “ Really I  am, haven’t noticed ”Cain says with a joking shrug. 
One of his men reach for her arm,  jordan  slaps his hand and turns pinning him to the ground. “Don’t Fuckin’ Try it.” She looks up at cain keeping her grip on the thug. “You have great control of your men.” He scoffs, getting  down close to her. “I control them when it counts. Keep runnin’ your mouth and I’ll let them control you in a much more physical way, got it?” She backs up slightly letting go of the thugs arms when she hears another gunshot, “That sounded like it came from outside of the bank?!” “More than likely. I got guys' stations out there too.” He pulls her completely off of his guy before throwing her in the back of the van on top of the money. “Hey the fuck are you doing?!” “Taking you with me, what does it look like?” She looks at him like he’s crazy. “Isn’t that Kidnapping?” He looks at her like she’s an idiot. “Lady does it look like I care about laws? Your Sitting on a pile of Stolen Money.” Suddenly she hears the scream of a child. 
She scoffs and pushes past him, starting her bolt for the source of the screams, when 2 pairs of rough hands grip her arms; jordan claws at the hands  holding her from the end of alley. Cain sighs. “Damn she stubborn.” He  grabs a gun from his wasist band and closes his left eye, lifting his gun with one hand, aiming his gun at her. “Bang” a bullet shoots into her in the Leg, an ear piercing scream rings from her lips as he walks up to her and takes her from the guy's hands. “The kid will be fine, We’re Leaving.” Jordan Screams and groans in agony. “Put me down I have too help her if that girl gets hurt you won’t like the outcome.” She whimpers. “Have a fuckin heart she’s a kid!” “Jordan she’s FINE! My men are all in the truck.” He shouts, pulling her into the Van. “How the Fuck do you know! Jordan screams holding her leg. “I can count, dumb bitch!” He slams the door and starts to drive off. “You don’t know, because you didn’t fuckin’ check you heartless bitch!” She says trying to hold her pain at bay. “Shut up.” He snatches his mask off and takes a deep breath. “Just Shut up.” She rips her shirt tying around her wound, quietly whimpering. “Your a Terrible Fuckin’ Person” Jordan says under her breath starting to black in and out due to bloodlost, Cain Takes another deep breath. “We’ll get you taken care of, just stop talking, your bleeding too heavily to be talking this much. “Leave me alone. I Don’t want anything from you.” She grabs her bag from off her back and bite the handle so she doesn’t scream. “Yea, Well you need it. Just be Quiet for Two Minutes.” She scoffs and continues to bite the strap of her bag and hold her leg. Cain looks over at his money and the girl pouting on top of it sighing deeply. She had fallen asleep from exhaustion, Xai and one of his men had switched once she was asleep he had been sitting next to her, Jordan whimpers when they would hit a bump. He holds her a little closer, making sure she’s not on anything hard or being uncomfortable. Jordan whispers in her sleep. “It hurts” He Adds a little pressure to her leg as they get too the hideout. He hears a sound of clanking metal coming from her bag, he took the strap outta her mouth and looks in the bag, he picks up and looks in seeing a gun, throwing blades, and her phone.”Jeuse christ .” he carefully picks up the gun and unloads it he takes the knives out and takes the phone and hits it against the wall smashing it.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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