Chapter 1: Day 1

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A beautiful summer's eve, there was a boy, he was normal. To say the least, normal in every aspect of the word. As normal as any person could be; to the world anyway. That changed drastically in the privacy of he and his friends as normal as he was, he was in love. Not the love at first sight. Nor love at first kiss. However in love nonetheless.

He was off to see his love: that small blonde girl who lived roughly 372 Miles away (as my memory serves me).
He hadn't told her yet... but he planned to go and send see her very soon. Planned to visit her before she disappears from his sight and out of his reach.
See, this girl; wanted to go and live in a place called Canada, which was a much larger ways away. He knew it was part of her dream and he would do his best to keep in touch – however and whenever he could.
When he thought of this. He grew very sad. Knowing that this was something that would tire him out, make him exhausted but he was willing. Willing to stay up all night just to hear her voice. Staying awake just to get message.
Maybe even saving up enough money to go see her there, too. Though, that would take time. However... He was willing. He was determined.
All of this however went on unnoticed.
Completely unbeknownst to the small blonde girl (I know, get on with the f**king story, okay, yeesh!).

He was arriving at the airport (obviously 2 hours early), he gave in his ticket and with his father's consent, and he was allowed to fly alone.
A while later, after waiting ready for the two hours, of which consisted of: him tapping noisily, yet was shadowed by the surrounding noise, the constant staring at the ever present clock on the wall; and the hellish glancing back and forth of him and the moody receptionist. The ultimate battle of tension.

Eventually, the flight arrived, he was the first one to get on the damn plane... and of course... He got the windows seat. F**k. Yes.

The plane took off after a good... (one sec... let me think of a good made up time...) 15 minutes of waiting around.
15 minutes of NOT spending time with his bae. Which "annoyed" him... and made him very anxious. Very nervous, and for some reason quite upset.
You see... as monotone as this boy (getting sick of calling him boy... let's just call him Charred or Rose, okay?) was, or liked to make the impression of him being. He was actually quite susceptible to emotions for no apparent reason (or very small n' stupid ones).
So these precious 15 minutes were like 15 hours... which felt like they may as well be days, or even years.
Either way, he was relieved when they finally took off. He was relieved, a sudden wave of fatigue hit him and he began to deal his exhaustion... you see, they had been up all night and he had to get up at 4:40am. Just to get ready and make a journey to potty. Then to the airport.

His vision grew faint and his eyes were swamped by the heavy eyelids, acting like a net and capturing him for a divine, much needed rest.

He was awoken by what he thought was his bae and ended up hugging a flight attendant, of which was only warning him about a soon landing. Unfortunately, Rose seemed oblivious to this and continued hugging the camp flight attendant. Who referred to him as 'sailor' and made some witty banter about having his 'eyes up here'.
Needless to say, the now blushing boy was embarrassed offering a swift apology while beat red.

During his desperate escape from the crowded plane, he could have sworn someone had been staring at him. Possibly for his mistake earlier. Forcing him to scamper off into the passing crowds of people and become lost within them, eventually reaching the exit (Hallelujah!)
First things first: get a room at a hotel. Then he can search for Bae. Having a vague idea of how to find her.
Rose picked out a specific one beforehand (No names, no advertisement for you people), went there and checked in, got his s*it into and room and left. He knew it was and holiday, and such. He knew she wouldn't be in school. So Rose devised an overly complicated plan. This is it, step by step. (No specifics, got that? Good, you readers be in smarty-pants')
1st Step: Beak into the school
2nd Step: Sign into the school network with a hacking device thingy
3rd Step: Find bae's file with her home address.
4th Step: Go there.
5th Step: Be affectionate to bae
the plan was superfantasterific. IT WOULD NEVER FAIL!

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