ITZY's reaction to...

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ITZY's reaction to...
accidentally hitting you



-wide eyes
-constant 'Oh no's
-has to make sure ur okay like 6000 times
-holds u like a baby
-says it's an accident even though u know
-squishes ur cheeks gently
-promises to never hit u again


-oh bitch, mother mode ON
-asks if ur okay
-rubs the spot that she hit
-constantly apologizes no matter how much you say it's okay
-babies u
-cuddles u


-full panic mode
-"No no no! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry~~~"
-glossy eyes
-talks in baby voice
-cuddles all night
-does aegyo for u


-immediately pulls u into her arms
-strokes ur cheeks and hair
-worried eyes
-doesn't say a thing but her actions say everything
-panicy bby
-long, lingering kisses
-extra careful for the rest of the day


-"Oh no, did I hurt my princess? Are you okay?"
-calm on the outside but is having a breakdown on the inside
-cups ur cheeks and says she's sorry over and over
-acts cute and silly
-constantly calls u pet names
-gentle pecks
-takes u out for food

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