The World of Uniare

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"There was was a land that was filled
monstrous creatures. Now these creatures
didn't just appear. The land was once somewhat harmless hundreds of thousands of years ago. That all changed when King Grey who reigned the Amodian Empire was so greedy that he sacrificed the souls of 1,000 and summoned the Demon king to gain more power and expand his empire. Which then resulted the gate of hell to be opened into the world of Uniare. Only the daughter of King Grey who was proclaimed a Saintess was able to close the gate with her holy power gifted to her by God Lithius who knew that evil would come upon the world of Uniare."

My Mother told me the legend of the monsters tale quite often as a child and now it had become a regular occurrence for her to recite such tales before bed even though I was sixteen years old now.

She always told me such tales of monsters when I was child to explain why we lived so far away from others. Apparently where we live is now Arcasica and the kindom past the forest we live in is Erez. Long before the two kingdoms were once United and under the Asmodian Empire but when King Grey's reign fell, the kingdoms were spilt again.

We had to live far away from the bigger nobles because the people were corrupt and savage in the city and we wouldn't be able to survive there and the outskirts villages, mother said, were always attacked by monsters so the safest place for us was apparently deep in the forest.

I never understood that and now at sixteen years of age I was still not quite sure how that made much sense since I felt we were more exposed and less protected than the villages, but Mother was very adamant and always replied to my question with a "we are safe here" and over the years I felt she must have some sort of sound logic considering I've never seen a single beast. Maybe that's why I was somewhat infatuated with them since to me they were only something out of a legend.

Mother said Father passed long ago and that was part of the reason that we moved here when Mother was pregnant. She said with her abilities this was the only way to protect us both. My mother was always cryptic and sometimes she just knew things. Things like events before they happened. She was never wrong about the weather and she would warn me in the morning if I would get hurt or something would happen to me throughout the day, but her telling me didn't stop such events it only gave me a warning or time to prepare for them.

No matter how much I pressed on her about such things she would just look at me with smile and an emotion that I could never figure out and say " I just know". I thought maybe all mothers were just like this so as a child I never questioned anything.

After I turned 10 years old Mother would go to a bigger village and copy by hand some books that were available for the public. She did this once a month for me and she took around a week total for the trip and to copy as much as she can and then she would bring me her copied versions. Through these books I learned a lot about how things were in the outside world even if I had never personally seen or experienced any of it.

That's also how I learned that other Mothers didn't seem to have the same abilities as my Mother. At first I thought they just weren't mentioning abilities in the few books I had read, but over the years of constant reading I became sure that Mother was special.

To be honest I just don't understand these things especially now that I'm older and I'm trying to think more logically but if I don't think too hard and just blindly listen to mother, I feel that it's almost normal since it's how I grew up. Sometimes I just feel like it's easier to not think too much about it since I'm not really getting answers.

After Mother finishes her story she blows out the lantern and we both sink into our bed and drift off to sleep peacefully.....or at least that's what I thought was happening.

In the middle of the night I was awakened by a piercing scream. I scramble to my mothers side and reach for her. She was thrashing and was dripping in sweat.

"Mother! Mother? What is wrong? Mother!?" I yell while trying to steady and calm her.

"IT'S OVER, IT'S COMING! IT'S OVER!" She continuously yelled.

I tried patting her and holding her still and though she stopped moving around she continued to repeat the same words.

"Mother it's okay, everything will be okay" I tried to comfort her, but in response my Mother went completely still.

In a quiet voice she whispered a strained "No, no it won't" before passing out from exhaustion.

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