Goodbye Mother

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Since the bath wasn't prepared and mother was acting strange I decided to just take a bucket of cold water from the pond out front and rinse my body of all the sweat and grime I was covered in.

The water that normally pulled my hair back and weighed my hair down instead felt cool and refreshing on my head.

I ran my fingers through the little hair I had left and massages my scalp out of habit. My long hair usually caused my scalp to ache and even though there wasn't any pain I still found my self rubbing circles in my scalp.

Quickly I got dressed in my night dress and walked to my mother who sat worriedly on the bed.

She glanced up at me and darted up to where I had left my dirty rice bag clothes for the field. She picked them up hurriedly and tossed them towards me.

"Change back into  these!" She commanded urgently.

I didn't have the energy to question or the patience to argue so I simply sighed and changed, hoping my mother would calm herself.

" Calypso, it's time." My mother whispered.

"Time for what?"


"But mother, I don't understand! What's coming and why must I join them?"

"Please, Calypso listen to me carefully. There are warriors coming from. They will take my life because they know who I am but you, you can be saved. Listen, you must join them and fight with them.

"FIGHT WITH THEM? You just said they are going to kill you! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MOTHER?"

"This is my destiny and it MUST be fulfilled. Your destiny is different and can't be defined so I'm not sure where this will lead you but PROMISE me! You will listen to your mothers words. You must follow the warriors and survive, survive for me and your father. Do WHATEVER it takes, but YOU must survive."

As I tried to process her words my mother ripped the blue stone locket from her neck and placed it in my hand.

As I looked at the locket tears formed in my eyes. As long as I could remember she had always worn the locket. I looked from my hands back to my mother and was left in absolute shock. Her once brown oaky hair had turned white and her eyes went from a muddy brown to a color so bright I could only describe it as golden. 

"Never take this off. It will help you conceal your appearance."

"But mother my hair is naturally brown and so are my eyes."

My mother looked to the ground for a moment and then pulled me to the pond in front of the cabin. She then touched my forehead and then told me to look.

"OH MY GODDESS!" I couldn't even recognize myself and it wasn't just cause of my newly short hair either. My normally brown hair was as completely white as my mothers and my normally brown eyes instead shined gold.

"Our appearance is dangerous, so you must keep this locket on to survive."

Deciding to ignore all the rest of the obvious questions I had there was still something I truly couldn't understand out of all the requests she had.

" But if they are going to kill you, why must I follow them?"

"Calypso, they are not the bad ones, the evil resides on the royal throne and this way you may be able to survive."

"But if they are to hurt you then how are they not bad? If they aren't evil then why would they take you away from me?"

"Listen my child, they are not evil nor are they taking me away. It's my destiny to end here, no matter what, I'm unable to see any further. No matter the circumstances I will not be allowed to see further since this is my destined end." My mother gave me a somber smile and gave me the tightest hug and I tried to return it but before I could she pulled away with tears in her eyes.

" There's so much I should've told you, but I didn't expect my end would come this fast, but I know how strong you are and what you were born for-" she was interrupted by a crash in the distance and what sounded like monsters in the distance. There was crying, yelping, and screams getting closer and closer.

"Calypso, go to the Yvin stream, don't come into the clearing but climb up our hunting tree and wait. When they come stay unseen and when they leave join the back of their party."

I look at her blankly and then look at our cabin.

"GO! RUN!" My mother suddenly yells.

I turn into the woods in the front part of our cabin as it seems that the warriors are approaching from the woods behind our Cabin. I quickly sprint further but as I do, I take a quick glance behind me and I see the cabin is on fire.

Every fiber of my being wants to turn back to the cabin and help my Mother but her words continue to echo and push me forward.

And that was the last time I saw Mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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