Oni & Akira

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[Final chapter, I hope you all enjoyed this!!!]

Johnny and Ponyboy were heading home from the hospital. Johnny was healing nicely and the boys had nothing wrong with them. The couple had decided on names before they had left. Baby A was named Oni (Oh-nee) Kendrick Cade, and baby B was named Akira (Uh-key-ruh) Bridger Cade. Dallas and Johnny weren't having much trouble telling the identical boys apart. There was just a vibe that each baby had, it was hard to explain.

The couple carried their boys into the home. Johnny was relieved to finally be home. There was no beeping, sense of death, or sadness here. They took the babies into the nursery to start unpacking. While Dallas started to put things away, Johnny unpacked the boys and put them into their respective cribs. They would be making little signs to put on their cribs so family and friends would be able to tell them apart.

Johnny made sure to give Oni and Akira plenty of kisses before placing them into their cribs. They were just so damn adorable. Johnny couldn't believe he made those little guys. Almost all by himself, too.

When Ponyboy was finished up he went over and gave each of the boys a kiss too. Johnny was content and felt like he had found a true purpose in his life. He didn't have a whole lot before, so it felt good knowing there would be something to wake up to every day.

"See... don't they make you want to have more little babies with me?" Ponyboy asked. Johnny chuckled and shook his head.

"I feel like I need a nap, babe." Johnny said. He was excited for when his stomach would go down. Johnny looked like he was still pregnant, it took a while for the stomach to go back for the most part. Johnny's body would still never be the same again. He would have a lot of extra skin, which would cause him to probably gain weight. Johnny would probably get a tummy tuck when the time came. He already had shit self-esteem, so they would see where that would take them.


It was two weeks after the boys were born, and things were going amazing. Of course the couple were tired all the time, but that was something that happened before, not just after having kids. The couple were getting the boys ready to meet the family. It would just be the rest of the gang, they could meet other people in small chunks at a time.

It was breakfast time, which meant they were up and rushing to get their crying sons fed.

"I still think we should look into it." Ponyboy said.

"I am not paying some random lady for her breast milk. Men might have been able to lactate during caveman times, but not today. We have formula and my babies will be just fine with it." Johnny said. Ponyboy wanted to buy breast milk for their boys, it helped boost their immune systems. Johnny was not on board, they had vaccines they would get as they grew up, those did just fine for himself personally.

Johnny shook up the warm bottle of milk and picked up Oni, he would feed him and Ponyboy would feed Akira. Johnny sat down on the couch and slowly rocked back and forth as he fed his son. He yawned softly, it was so early in the morning for Johnny. 7AM and he was still dead, back in the day.

"Okay okay." Ponyboy said. Johnny puffed his cheeks out at his husband. Johnny loved him, but they both got to make the decisions in this house.

Ponyboy went over and shifted Akira into his arms for feeding. He was such an adorable boy. They looked the same, especially now in this stage, and the fact they were biologically identical twins. The babies were so warm, it was comforting.

Oni was done eating first, he was sleepy now. He gurgled a little, shifting in Johnny's arms. Johnny cooed at how adorable it was. Eventually Oni simply fell asleep in his arms. Johnny would burp him in a little bit, he did want to disturb him yet. He certainly wasn't going to set him down, though.

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