Anniversary Emergency Part 2

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*As nighttime falls, Rox, the Doggy Bros. Next-door neighbor, and Lori were getting things ready for Colonel's 6th anniversary*

Lori: I can't believe Colonel would do that, but this is just for his date

Rox: I never knew he could be demanding and so cruel

*After they packed, Rox and Lori got on to the car and drove off. Meanwhile, Colonel was waiting along with his girlfriend, Duchess, the poodle*

Duchess: Wow, that's a romantic spot, Colonel. I can't believe that you're not cheap

Colonel: I know

*Rox's car pulled up the parking lot to the grand hotel and Lori started to unload everything out of the trunk. Rox helped her, and later, they finished*

Rox:*wiped his forearm with sweat on his forehead* Phew, we're finished

Lori: I know

*Duchess opened the door, hugging Lori*

Lori: Hi, Duchess


*She squeezed Lori so hard that her arms crossed in level*

Colonel: Duchess, I got something for you

*Duchess opened the box and it was revealed as a pearl necklace*

Duchess: It's beautiful

*To be continued*

*Part 3 will be coming soon*

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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