First fanfic

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Hi, I'm new to the whole fanfic writing and while I'm a fan svtfoe and know general lore of svtfoe, I don't know everything so I maybe off on some stuff like character personality and stuff.

Anyway my au is gonna be different from canon lore, there are small changes and big changes like how all mewman females have wings not just the Royal butterflies, there will be oc characters and some old characters will be changed, and some events in canon are gonna be changed in the fanfic, and if anyone likes to make a story or comic off my fanfic they be free too it, I don't care just as long as I get the idea out there

And if anyone wants to make any suggestions that can improve the story I'm all ears

let's get the copyright stuff out of the way; svtfoe belong Disney, all non oc characters belong to Disney, All rights belong to Disney, it is not mine, it's Disney's.

Anyway Let's get to the first characters, Asterid is an oc character and the sister of Festivia, Asterid has temper issues, quick to anger you would say, but she's kind, dutiful and knows when to have fun, and takes her magical, history and combat lessons with great seriousness, and she has a Cockney accent, she has red colored hair, a pony tail, red eyes, horns and wears light weight leather armor.

Hope the details were enough.

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