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  🛑eating disorders and self harm and stuff like that as well as mentions of child abuse🛑

Travis pov

       "And who might this young man be?" Larrys mom asks as she looks at me and back to larry. "Uh this is my boy- uh  i mean friend travis." Larry says. I blush at him almost calling me his boyfriend. I would like to be his boyfriend, are we boyfriends? "Oh well nice to meet you travis, may i ask what are you doing here this late?" Lisa asks reaching to shake my hand. I slightly come out from hiding behind larry and shake her hand scooching back to my hiding place. "Mom i need to talk to you for a sec." Larry says pulling his mom to the other room.

Larry pov

       "Travis can't go back to his house." I say to my mom. "Well why cant he go home?" My mom asks confused. "Well let's just say his dad isnt the best parent." I say trying to find a way to word this. "Wait... does his dad hit him?" Mom asks concerned. The only thing i do is look away and nod. She gasps eyes widend slightly. "Okay." Lisa says.  "Okay what?" I say. "He can stay." My mom says patting my shoulder. "Gracias mami." I say thankfully.

Travis pov
      Larry and his mom come back from the room they went to. "Travis you can stay." Larry says smiling at me. I can only stare in shock. "Wait- like-like i can actually stay here in your house." I say dumbfounded. "Yes you can stay travis." Larry says chuckling slightly. "Thank you so much ms. Johnson i appreciate it." I say trying to express my graditude. "Its okay really your welcome for as long as you want, and please call me lisa." Lisa says smiling sweetly.

     "Well what did i miss." Sal says standing in utmost confusion as to whats going on. "Travis is staying with me now." Larry says. "You know what its friday and im going home." Sal says before walking out of the door. Well boys you go hang out while i cook some dinner." Lisa says before heading to the kitchen. "Welp to my room i guess." Larry says holding his hand out to me, i take it and we interlock fingers as he leads me back to his room. We sit on his bed once we reach his room. "Larry, are we d-dating?" I ask larry figeting a bit. "Well do you want to date?" Larry asks grabbing my hand. "Y-yes." I say quietly.

           Larry cups my face with his hand and leans in for a kiss. I do the same untill our lips connect in a sweet kiss. Larry  back and smiles. Wow this is really happining im with the guy of my dreams, even though we are literally polar opposites. Im staying with him. Then it hit me, holy shit my dad. Holy fuck. "Oh goddammit, my dad-  the cult- but i- what if-." I say suddenly remebering my dad and his cult. "Wait you know about the cult?" Larry says confused. "Wait you know about the cult." I say freaking out a bit.

        "Well yeah me, and pretty much the whole gang." Larry says. "Wait what do you and your dad have to do with the cult?" Larry says backtracking to what i said. "W-well i-i he he's the leader." I say quietly and ashamed. "Holy shit travis, its okay you have me now." Larry says pulling me in for another kiss and hug. And right as our lips are about to connect. "Boys dinner is ready." Lisa says bursting into the room. I jumped up so fast it was crazy and i akwardly stood there. I could tell how flushed my face was by the heat in my cheeks.

      "What were you guys doing?" Lisa says as if she didn't know what we were doing. "Nothing mom, let's go Travis." Larry says standing up and rushing to the kitchen with me. Lisa cooked tacos, but the ones with doritoes instead of a taco shell. I look at the plates on the counter... theres three. I cant eat, i just cant. But they'll be suspicious if i dont. I haven't ate in a while and didn't plan on it. Fuck. Then lisa walks in to the kitchen. "What are you waiting for sit." Lisa says gesturing me to the table. I sit and see them eating. I look down at my food it looks delicous but ew. I lift up a chip scooping up some meat and cheese with it and eat it, it felt discusting.

           I keep eating till over half my plate is gone. I feel utterly gross. "How did you two boys meet?" Lisa asks almost making me choke on my food. I look up to larry who also looks alarmed. "Well uh um you see we go to the same school." Larry says. "But what made you two wanna talk because you two look like opposites." Lisa says looking between us. If larry tells his mom that im a homophobic bully ill literally cirl up into a ball and die.

             "Well i don't uh i don't know really." Larry says getting a bit nervous. "Well that's suspicous, what are you trying to hide from me?" Lisa says raising an eyebrow. "Well thats a story for another day." Larry says gulping down the rest of his drink. Larry finished his food. I rush the rest of mine down and leave with him. "That was  fucking akward as hell." Larry says sighing once he closes his door. "Well like just go tell her or something i dont know." I say in attempt to be alone. "Okay, welp im out." Larry says going to talk to his mom.

        I immediantly rush to the bathroom i open up the cabinet and find an empty walmart bag. I open it up before sticking to fingers to the back of my throat and pressing. I hunch over and empty my stomach into the bag. What the hell is wrong with me? Who am i kidding i know what im doing to my body its actually quite clear. I haven't eaten since my mom died. And whenever i do eat i just throw it back up. I finish throwing up tie up the back and look up to be met with brown eyes. Why does this keep happening to me?!

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