The Hunt...

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~⚡D-Hunter1 pov⚡~

My eyes blinked open greeted by sunlight I put my hand in front of my face until my eyes adjusted to the light I try to sit up but a searing pain makes me fall back

I hiss looking at the side of my torso that  has a spike in it

D-Hunter1: "So it wasn't a dream damn..."

Someone opens the door to my right

D-Hunter2: "Easy it's just me I can to look at your wound"

I slowly took my shirt off while he examined the wound the veins around the spike have turned black

D-Hunter2: "It's worse then I thought I'm sorry but you only have one moon to live if we don't find a way to cure it"

(Moon =month or week I forgot)

I sighed then started to breathe in and out trying to calm down

D-Hunter1: "Fine.... But if I'm going down I'm going down fighting!"

D-Hunter2: "That's the spirit come on we got a dragon to hunt"

~1 hour later~

After getting patched up and our weapons ready walked in the direction of where the mysterious dragon went

We continued to walk forward deeper into the forest until we heard bushes rustling behind us

We turned towards the sound always keeping our eye on it then  a huge pack of wild dragons burst through

We ran deeper into the forest the number of pine trees became fewer and fewer

Until we were in a redwood forest the trees had spikes and gashes in them the dragons stopped and looked around with wary and scared eyes until we heard it a roar we are all familiar

(I swear to God if the video didn't show

The dragons fled then the mysterious dragon jumps from the trees and chases the fleeing dragons

D-Hunter2: Quick! Now's our chance to run away!

I held my sword and charged after the dragons

D-Hunter2: Where are you going! You'll never survive that THING

D-Hunter1: I'm already dieing! And remember I said I'm going down fighting!

~⚡ D-Hunter2 pov⚡~

I watched as my friend run towards the direction of the dragons until the mystery dragon jumped out of the bushes and pulled him away I did only one thing.....

I ran until I couldn't hear my childhood friends screams anymore

My fellow D-Hunters didn't talk to me or each other we got the supplies and dragons on the ship

D-Hunter2: I'll tell Viggo about what happened...

The others nodded and we sailed off to the base


I had a lot of fun writing this I hope you all enjoy it!

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