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To anyone reading this do not take this likely as this indeed is a battle of the worlds. Christian, Muslim, Hindi....We all have our faiths and the great punishment which will come to those who disbelieve in it.

Ladies and gentlemen take your time to understand all these religion as a neutral and understand the risk you take for your eternal soul if you may be amongst the ignorant. May God help us all.


-The Worship of multiple gods.

-gods varies from country to country.

When we talk about the Polytheist of the worlds we understand that these deities which these group of people submit to as gods are only worshiped within that particular region or country. Eg;

The Greeks gods, Norse gods and Egyptian gods....

And are these gods somehow associated with the gods of other countries or do they have separate heavens and hells of there own each gods having control over a certain area which submit to them

We understand in some mythological stories of gods of some certain parts of the world, human being ascend to godhood when they pass and some even while still amongst the living.

So there is alot of confusions within the scriptures and teachings of these so-called gods. But most religions including Islam speaks of a kind known as the jinn or spirits (ghosts). Members of an unseen world similar to mankind and have some desirable qualities in which they trade to mankind in exchange for Worship. These spirits like humans have the ability to procreate, die and communicate with mankind therefore explaining why most of the old gods where mostly fathered by another and could be murdered by another as well. And most of them actually depending on mankind for worship (not all powerful) so we understand the contradictions which comes with believing in these so-called gods.

-No order of right and wrong (just servitude to them)

Most of the gods of the Polytheist have no exact laws concerning good or bad (right or wrong) and sometimes would dispute amongst themselves and in some cases they would be a dark god, one which is an outcast to the rest and now seeks to end mankind or take control of the throne of thrones. So these god gods are power hungry and have sinful desires similar to that which they created?

-Gods who are given life by another.

Gods who where for a time non-existenting and in some cases mankind existence occurring before some of them


Reincarnation: if you are amongst those who believe in this, indeed i have a few questions. If reincarnation was real and we never remember our past lives and the actions of the last reflects the present. Then is there an end to it (the world) if we just keep on getting reincarnated from trees to goats to human to dogs and back again then is there really any new creation or are we just of the first beings whether tree or man just switching lives reflecting on what we earn in the past?

Atheist (free thinkers).

The men and women of the modern world. These are people who think to believe in God is old fashioned or boring as they say today. These people do not even care to educate themselves in acts of worship instead they use the famous quote; you only live once. As the Muslim say they have traded the worldly life for the hereafter? These set of individuals really have no bases to their belief except that it is more easier to just say "okay if I believe in this it pretty much gives me freedom to do as I wish on this earth. As they believe in no life after. True death.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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