Worldwide Celebration, Part 4 of 5

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There was a lot of energy during dinner.

Despite the fact that Cole and Jay were absent, as they had gone to their respective parents' homes to celebrate, the dinner table held a greater amount of excitement and energy than usual.

You spent most of the time having a pleasant conversation with Echo. Though he couldn't enjoy the meal, he was ecstatic that everyone enjoyed it. He had asked you if he could help make something for tomorrow morning.

You weren't sure if you'll be allowed to make breakfast as cooking was a shared responsibility, but you said that if you were allowed to, you'll teach Echo how to make pancakes.

Once dinner went by, you helped clean up a bit. When you were about ready to wash the dishes, though, Kai and Nya ushered you out of the kitchen stating that they had it covered.

You thanked them before you went around the Bounty in search of Lloyd.

You easily found the boy in the gaming room. He was with his father. You were about to leave them be, though Lloyd said you were more than welcome to hang out with them.

You simply sat in the back and watched as Lloyd taught his father how to play a video game. Lloyd described it as a "sandbox game," you believe. It was entertaining to watch the two bond.

At some point, Harumi had entered the room. She brought her comics and a notebook and pencil to keep herself occupied. You quietly spectated the video game.

While Lloyd was teaching his father how to make a sword in-game, Harumi moved to your side and tugged on your sleeve.

You glanced at the girl. She was holding her notebook close to her chest. "What's up?"

"How expensive is metal?"

You blanked for a moment. "...Huh?"

Harumi turned the notebook in her hands around. On the page was a drawing of Echo, you wanted to believe. There were a lot of notes scribbled around the drawing though they were in a language you didn't know. 

"I don't know," You slowly said. "I think it depends on the type of metal..." You glanced at Harumi curiously, "You... want to help Echo?" You obviously knew by now that Echo wasn't the best-built, considering his circumstances. Dr Julien built him from spare parts, most of which have rusted due to being stuck out at sea.

Harumi nodded. "I only noticed..."

You held a smile. "We could definitely talk to Dr Julien," You said. "And I'm sure if we asked Nya or Jay, we could find enough spare parts around the Bounty."

"...Maybe tomorrow," Harumi mentioned. "Sounds like a lot of work."

You exhaled in amusement. "Yeah, it is a lot of work." You shrugged. "But I'm sure we'll get it done in no time."

Harumi grinned. "I hope so."

Lloyd let out a short shout, and the television played the sound of an explosion. You and Harumi glanced over in surprise. Lloyd's in-game character had died.

Lloyd let out a fake whine. "Dad!" He began. "You were supposed to lead him away from the house, not invite him in!" He sounded like he was trying so hard not to giggle.

Garmadon only held a smirk. "Oops."

You and Harumi quietly laughed at the two's antics.

You glanced at Harumi. "I'll ask around tomorrow. You can join if you want."

Harumi offered a shrug. "Maybe... Depends on how much work I need to do."

You jokingly scoff. "You and Lloyd don't like working, huh?"

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