💧teardrop x reader 💧

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You always liked teardrop, you enjoyed her company and well the way she listened to you. You've always wanted to tell her but never had the chance to. But one day you over heard something

"icy are you cool?" liy asked


"okay then..anyways help me make teardrop talk! (she tells ice cube the plan btw)"

you decided to follow them and saw ice cube put her feet in tear drops mouth? while liy held it open. 

"Guys! Stop that, leave tear alone." you say

"Oh uh..Hi Y/N!, wanna help?"liy says

"what? no. of course not!"

"..what ever lets go icy."

liy and icy walk off. Teardrop gives you a thank you smile, which was hella adorable and made you blush a bit. 

"hey teardrop? Can i tell you something?"

she nods..remember she cant talk.

"i really like you. i love your company, you make me so happy"

Teardrop smiles wayyy bigger and blushes,she runs off real quick and comes back with a paper and pencil, as well as a gift.She then writes on the paper that says, 

"I love you too! :D" 

and hands you the gift, you open it and it was a plushy and you and tear drop.you smiled but that was interrupted when someone pushed you and your lips met teardrops.

"just kiss already! gosh!" 

you pulled apart after a few seconds and saw that it was pencil who pushed you. You were gonna go after her but tear drop stopped you and wrote on the paper

"just ignore her, let's go! Let me show u my fav place!"

"i sit here when i want alone time, but i guess i can show it too you!"

it was a beautiful river,it reminded you of teardrop.

"it reminds me of you,beautiful and blue!"

She smiled and pulled you back in for another kiss

(the end cringes me out but wtv)

word count?: 319

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