4 | Q U I N N

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She didn't wake when I scooped her up off the couch, after she fell asleep on me during the movie. We put it on when the three of us finally got tired of playing video games, sometime around midnight.

She didn't wake when I plopped her on my bed like a sack of potatoes. On my side of the bed, because go figure, her bra was sprawled across her usual side and I didn't have an extra hand. Which is ridiculous anyway, because the entire thing is my bed—since when do I only have a side?

She did, however, wake when I began to tuck her in. Only a little though, enough to mumble a single word: "Pants."


I had just slid out of my own clothes, so could she be referring to my lack of pants?

"Pants? Mine or yours?" I try to clarify.

"Mine. Off."

I can barely make the whisper out, but I'm about 90% sure that's what I heard. I glance down at her leggings and then it clicks. She always just sleeps in a shirt, so she wants her pants off.

And, of course, she wants me to do it.

"Fine," I concede with a heavy sigh. I shift onto my knee near her hip and slide my hands under the hem of her shirt so I can grip the waistband and pull them down.

"You gotta lift up a little so I can get them over your butt."

Stupid, skin-tight leggings. I thought they looked amazing on her, but taking them off her is a whole new story.

Especially as she does what I asked, seemingly using the last little ounce of her energy to lift up so they glide down over her hips. My shirt is big enough on her to cover the upper portion of her thighs, so at least that's one miracle, because if it didn't I'd be getting an eyeful.

I mean, I'm still getting a full view as they slide over her shapely legs, I'm just really trying not to think about it.

Immediately, I regret glancing up at her. Her sleepy eyelids are open to the littlest slits as she observes my work. She watches my hands pull the material over her calves and ankles, then free each foot one at a time. When her eyes track slowly up my arms, over my bare chest, and finally flick to meet my eyes, I'm quite aware of how the whole situation probably looks from her perspective.

So yeah, I understand the way she's watching me like eye candy. I also understand that's not what's happening here.

I tap on her foot a few times before getting up to grab the covers. "Anything else I can do for you, Sleeping Beauty?"

"Hmm... Underwear too?"

I huff and pull the comforter all the way up over her entire head. "Nice try."

She pulls it back down to reveal her face before closing her eyes again, letting out a content little groan and snuggling down in.

I don't waste much time turning the lamp off and climbing over top of her. I get myself under the covers, laying down on my back to stare into the dark.

She turns towards me, asking softly, "Did Niles leave?"

"No, he's on the couch. He drank about double what I did so I hid his keys. Not sure if it was enough for a hangover tomorrow, but I'm sure he'll be fine. I wouldn't worry about it. Go back to sleep."

"Mmkay, thanks Quince. Love you. G' Night."

It all comes out in one long breath, as she reaches over and slings her arm across my stomach. She doesn't move any closer, leaving a small gap between us, so I just close my tired eyes.

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