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Ok, This is gonna be short but this randomly came to my head one day, and why not write it out soooo...enjoy):)


I do not own Bad Buddy or any of the characters, this is a work of fiction. Credits to the owner of the picture.


Pat's POV


I can be considered someone big and intimidating, but right now I can be no bigger than an insect caught in a spider's web with my body scrunched. I have my head down only my eyes peeking up, my palms are sweaty, my heart is beating faster with each passing second of this video. My mind was blank and there was only word that seemed to make a constant roundtrip. Fuck.

Rewinding to yesterday morning...

Third POV

Pran's dad is on his was out with his laptop bag and lunch in hand, giving his final words to his wife as he turned to leave. Before he could completely get into the car though, he hears his wife calling for him, "Honey, did you put back all my gnomes? some of them aren't there."

Confused he looks at the garden counting them, "Yeah, I'm sure I put all five back...? Why are there only three." Pran's dad closes the car door and walks over closer to make sure he didn't see it wrong, but it was true. There were only three on their yard, "have you asked Pran, maybe he used them for drawing again."

"I didn't cause he wasn't here when I saw them disappear, but I'll ask him tonight just in case. For now you go to work."

"Ok." Pran's dad gives his wife a reassuring smile hoping to get her to stress less, but when he turns around he makes a mental note to get her some ice cream. 

Pran's mon stands at the doorway waiting for her husband to leave and as he drives out she looks over at the garden one last time then walks back in. Breathing out she walks over to the mirror fixing her appearances, smiling feeling content with how the day has been going so far; besides the gnome issue. 

"Pran! Can you come down for a second?!" Pran's mom walks over to the kitchen putting away the remnants of breakfast. Picking up the dishes she hears Pran's footsteps walking down the stairs stopping when he reaches the kitchen.

"Hey mom?" Pran starts picking up the last of the dishes and packing the extra food away. He walks over to put away dishes in the sink giving his mom a hug in the process, "do you need help with something?"

"Hey Pran," Pran's mom gives her son a kiss on the cheek with a smile before proceeding to clean the dishes, "have you taken the gnomes for your drawings again?" 

Pran thinks back looking confused, "No that was once a long time ago, I'm sure I put them back after that, why?" A look of worry forms on Pran's mom's face and Pran sees this making him worried as well, letting go of the hug he asks, "Mom are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just wondering where they could have gone. There are only three in the garden when there should have been five, and you grandmother won't be happy if she finds out." Pran thinks this through and comes to one conclusion,

"Why don't we check the security cameras? We have the one in front of our house, maybe it caught what happened."

Thinking it through in the end they both decided to go along with that idea, as well as bringing in the three that were in the front yard for now. When they called the security guard about the footage they said to come in at night and by then they'll have all the clips ready. Agreeing to this, they call Pran's dad asking him to stop by the security office to check, until then all they could do was wait.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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