CH 2: Those Wings At Reach

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"Calling an emergency meeting with all four Pillars Miss Belladrina. I do hope you have a very good reason" a stern and hard faced man said, fastening the top tassel of his imperial blue robe. His outfit was much akin to Blue's only blue in colour and without the frilly accoutrements present on the devious womans. Blue nodded her head "Oh I do Noakes" she said, her voice awash with a faux sense of shock. The man she was addressing was a priestly Arcane by the name of Noakes Spirral, he was in his 50s with pepper coloured hair, a sharp, distinguished face, a perpetually furrowed brow and deep stormy eyes. Noakes was distinguished even amongst his peers as he was appointed the East Valley Pillar of Moonbayne as a young man, denoting that the High Arcana of Moonbayne realised a great power and authority in his justice and magic even as a relative child. "So...what is it?" He spoke again, impatience now settled in his voice. Blue sat forward; both in her chair and in the marvellous act she was committing herself too. She clasped her hands together and sighed. "Well" she said lowly "It brings me no joy to say this, but as I came upon Chamomile Avice's home today, Mr Tatyltayl and I caught her performing..." She raised her head to meet the eyes of the others "Forbidden magic" . Noakes narrowed his gaze as another man shifted uncomfortably in his seat "What do you make of this, Mr Linae?" . The man looked up. Porsa Linae was a young man and had just recently been made the West Shore Pillar of Moonbayne, he had dark olive skin, a kind but stern face and wore a yellow version of the garment that the other Pillars wore. "My family has been in charge of the law making and Arcane decrees in Moonbayne for nearly 3000 years, if what Miss Belladrina is saying is correct then it rather forces our hands Sir Spirral, we simply must investigate the credibility of these accusations". Noakes nodded, as did Belladrina "Then please sir, allow me to carry out the investigation. Since I was the one to make the initial discovery I think it should be me who gathers the evidence for this case." She pushed her hair behind her ear with a hand movement that seemed to radiate both spite and grace as Mr Tatyltayl the raven gave a caw of approval. Noakes shook his head "You're too close to the situation Miss Belladrina, I cannot be at all certain that you will not show bias in this case, as such we will employ the services of another" he looked towards a figure who had had there head dipped since the beginning of this affair "Fetch him" the figure nodded and pulled a small blue crystal from her pocket "Understood Sir" a voice spoke, feminine in tone, but with a harsh, winter like bite. She crushed the small pearl in between her fingers and disappeared in a brief but sharp flash of deep blue light. Porsa shielded his eyes from it with a graceful appointment of his hand, as he was the closest to the display it would have been rather uncomfortable for him to look at. Blue threw her hand up as if caught in the glare of the sun, the gauche display of course prompted her chattering raven to do the same. "Using Glimmerhop when walking would have taken mere moments" she huffed, wiping her eyes "How very uncouth". Noakes also chuffed indignantly "These means are here for us to use Miss Belladrina, don't overreact, it is unbecoming of someone at the level you are." She ever so slightly snarled before nodding in fake reverence to her peer, " Of course Sir Spirral, it just caught me off guard is all". He nodded and stood as the woman returned in a flash, this time with a rough looking man in tow. "Thank you Miss Gowl" Noakes said, not taking his gaze off of the man she had brought with her. "Melodius Casta-Rosewater" he said, the man raised his head, he had a certain youth to him but his face was marred by sleeplessness and fatigue. His once vibrant robes were now a muted greenish blue as they had not been dyed in the sun for so long and had begun to lose their natural colouring. "Is today the day then?" Melodius mused " I assume it is, there's been chatter of you performing an Arcanot on me for a while" An Arcarnot was a magical punishment by which anti magic was cast into the soul of an Arcane, this appointment was not to be done lightly as it would permanently render the individual unable to use any sort of Arcana, whether it be learned or inherent. Even potions brewed by one who had undergone an Arcarnot would be rendered pointless, turned instantly to foul, soupy water from the lack of magic. Noakes shook his head as Gowl sat back in her seat, "Not today, whilst it is true that you can't be trusted because of the undeniable role you played in that event...we find use of you yet". Melodius looked up, now intrigued "Oh?" He hummed, his lips starting to form a smile " Do tell Sir". Noakes gestured his hand towards Porsa who stood and turned to the man, Melodius' small but present smile now faded "You?" He spoke lowly but with a definite hint of distaste " I was honestly hoping I'd never have to lay eyes on you again". Porsa nodded "If we could lay out animosity aside for just a second Mr Rosewater, I have some information that you need be privy to.". After he had been made aware of the situation Melodius looked bewildered and rather incredulous. "So what?" He huffed " You want me to kill her? Or drag her in her so you can put us both back in that Mage forsaken place again?. I mean I get that you're the Four Great and ineffable Pillars of Moonbayne and everything, but you can't expect me to forget what you did to me... " he casted an eye towards Porsa as he said that, Noakes shook his head "We do not wish for you to kill Miss Avice, or even apprehend her. Quite the opposite actually" he said, sitting forward a touch " We want become her Sponsor ". Blue's neutral face now became a fierce scowl "I do beg for your pardon Sir Spirral" she almost hissed "But do tell me this is some sort of joke, she's a criminal! She should be cuffed, arrested, thrown in with The Lightless or...or!" She was cut off by a stare from Noakes, a stare that filled her instantly with a deep rooted panic. " Do be quiet Miss Belladrina, you may be an appointed Pillar, but that does not mean that you and you alone call the shots.". Melodius nodded "So you want me to give her lessons? Teach her magic and...and keep her out of trouble" Noakes nodded which prompted another nod from Melodius " How long? 6 months? A year...Two? " Noakes looked at a clock, the ornate time keeper even tracked the days to weeks, and weeks further still to months. "Until our festival Mr Rosewater" Melodius did quick calculations in his head "Oh right, you mean the Lights Festival in 4 months right? Because if you meant the New Arcane Initiation Festival that would be mad..." He gave a relaxed and full bodied chuckle " Because that's 3 weeks from now... ". He looked up to see Noakes' expression had not changed, which caused his own smile to fade "I'm afraid I do Mr Rosewater, and if she fails to become an initiate by then, then we'll have no choice but to put her on trial. Melodius furrowed his brow and gritted his teeth "You...badtards! It's almost like you want her to fail! You've set this kid up on an impossible task so you can flex the might of the Pillars..." His shouty ramble was cut through by Gowl standing and pushing another pearl into his chest. When he came too he was stood outside the rickety home of one Miss Chamomile Avice, right in the edge of Moonbayne. He signed and brushed himself off. "I'm sorry kid...I really am" he muttered as he approached her home.

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