CH4: Enough Time To Change The World

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Arcana First Broadcasting Headquarters, Saturn City: At The Time Of Melodious' Meeting With The Pillars.

A woman with dark black hair and olive skin walked up to the door to her office in the famed and much loved Arcana First FM headquarters. Arcana First prized itself as being the number one source for all news and need to know information in Moonbayne and indeed it's connected constituencies.

The woman glanced at the name plaque on her door, frowning her thin but even eyebrows. When the janitors had been doing there rounds this morning they had knocked her plaque askew by a few centimetres, something the young lady couldn't tolerate. The name plaque proudly displayed her name -Chief Executive of Communication, Tripsy Turnlock-. Tripsy straightened her name tile and muttered something under her breath before reaching for the door handle.

As she grabbed the handle she could hear shuffling and a slight giggling from inside the room...her room. She opened the door to see a strawberry blonde, long haired girl with bangs fashioned into spirals at the sides of her head, she wore a dress suit that was too big for her and had rosy cheeks and a prominent snaggletooth. Tripsy sighed, combing one of her perpetually straight bangs out of her face. "Mohone?" She said calmly but sharply " How many times have I told you, you cannot just come in here whenever you would like ". The girl looked over and giggled before jumping at her for a cuddle. "Huh?! Nobody said that you's was gonna be here today big sister!" . Tripsy sighed and removed Mohone from her person. Despite her carefree and lackadaisical attitude, and her diminutive height Mohone was the same age as Tripsy, 25.

"I am always here Mohone, nearly every day for the past six years" she sat at her desk and reached for the paperwork that had been freshly placed there this morning . Mohone nodded and giggled "Oh...thas right, big sister is a super important lady here for sure. Gots to do a lotta things for Big Bossman". She sat on Tripsy's lap before being promptly removed, to which she frowned. "Please do not barge in here again Mohone, I mean to say await my approval before entering this room" she spoke in a strict manner, though softening it slightly for her rambunctious co-worker.

Mahone sighed and nodded "I super sure would Big Sister Trippy, but they done already putted my desk in here for sure." Tripsy looked over, noticing the scruffy and sticky desk of her co-worker for the first time. "Very well, if he has decided that we are to share a room, then I have no choice but to uphold that decision" she acquiesced, Tripsy was not the type to argue with authority, and despite certain undesirable circumstances she did actively enjoy her job. Mohone went over to her desk to grab her own nameplate. "See Big Sister, look what they done me!". Tripsy looked at the plaque -Assistant Officer of Communication, Mohone VanHelena-.

Tripsy allowed herself a small smile, despite being a fastidious worker and unscrupulous critic of others, she did hold a soft spot for Mahone. "That is most impressive Mohone. Now, we really must get to work." She politely pointed to her desk. Mohone nodded and sat at her desk as Tripsy took a look at the paperwork that was given to her. Her brow fell into a prominent frown as she read the report. Had the Pillars gone mad? Why we're they entertained the idea of assigning a man like Melodius as the mentor for...CHAMOMILE AVICE?!.

Tripsy got out and hurriedly walked towards the room of the head honcho, the man Mohone referred to as Big Bossman. Mohone trailed behind her. "Gottsa keep calm Trippy...don't wanna wake other sister up...might gets us in trouble for sure..." She said between breaths. " I'll try" she semi spat before knocking.

She heard a bang before a man spoke up "Yo yo, who steps to the door of the fantastic K.Love today?" He said in his usual presenter voice. Tripsy cleared her throat " Tripsy Turnlock sir, Chief Executive Officer of Communication. ". There was a pause before K.Love spoke up again "I'm afraid that this broadcast is gonna have to be brought to K.Love from the other side of the door, as the Discomeister, news presenter extraordinaire is experiencing some technical difficulties."

Tripsy bit her tongue. Although she held a great respect for K.Love his affable demeanour could sometimes grate beyond comprehension. "Dandy Avice has a child sir, a child that The Pillars are putting in the hands of...him, Melodious Rosewater." . She could hear K.Love step closer to the door "Ah...old Mister Roots, I see. And Dandy Avice you say?! Man, haven't heard that name in an age! Whoo! This is gonna be one hell of a story when it breaks!. I can see it now, Dandy Avice's Daughter For Shock Partnership Scandal, or Dandy Avice Daughter, Menace or Mage. Or and this is my favourite. Dandy Avice's Daughter For Pillars Brouhaha."

Tripsy clenched her first as Mohone took her hand. "Please try to take this seriously sir, Dandy Avice was...well, I highly doubt that needs explaining. And if they really have put him in charge of her then...then she's destined for a life of criminality" she urged in a slightly more tempered voice than usual. "And?" K.Love said in a bored demeanour "Why should that be anything other than a great story for us? Our listeners would love a brooding saga of ill met magical potential! Our ratings would go through the roof!" He whooped triumphantly.

Tripsy was incredulous. To the residents of Moonbayne and Saturn City, K.Love was the affable and giddy news presenter who had a charming and charismatic personality. But she new different. Whilst it was true that K.Love was a joyful moron most of the time, when he was given a story like this he became borderline sociopathic, hell bent on nothing but rating and views. She felt herself becoming more and more angry as Mohone's eyes widened "Oh no please...please calm Trippy...gottsa be calm, gonna...gonna wake Other Sister up" she gently stroked her hand with her thumb, but it was too late.

Tripsy became cloaked in a white aura as Mohone ran to hide. Her skin became dark purple and her sclera a murky black. Her hair became jagged and wild as her hands sprouted claws and a devil like tail pushed through out of her dress suit. She also gained a 4 terrifying inches, pushing her height to 6'5. "HOW CAN YOU BE SO GLEEFUL AT THIS!" she bellowed as her voice echoes and shook the door frame " AIRING A STORY LIKE THIS WILL DOOM THAT GIRL AND MAKE THE ARCANE SYSTEM OF MOONBAYNE LOOK LIKE A SAVAGE MESS! NOW YOU SCRAP THIS STORY OR I SWEAR I'LL TEAR THIS DOOR OFF AND...AND... ". K.Love cleared his throat. "You done?...Miss Turnlock?" He said calmly. The shaking calmness in his voice was enough to break Tripsy's Devil Arcane and switch her back. "Ye...Yes Sir." She said defeatedly as Mohone stepped back out.

" Good" K.Love laughed "Now, I want this story aired in 48 hours, and I want a 5000 word report. Oh and as punishment for that little tantrum you and Miss VanHelena can get a train to Moonbayne for a field report and interview" . Tripsy nodded, hanging her head "Yes sir". She walked back to her office and started on the report. Increasingly worried about the consequences this could have for the Daughter of...


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